Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

“Kim, I think it would be a good idea if you did go to it,” Nicola tried to persuade Kimberley. They were all having a discussion about an invitation Kimberley had received for a music awards ceremony which was happening the following week.

Kimberley shrugged her shoulders as she continued to slowly eat her food.

“Seriously, Kim, this could be a really good opportunity to get your name out there,” Sarah joined in.

“Fine, whatever,” Kimberley mumbled, again shrugging her shoulders. She didn’t really care whether she went to this awards thing or not, she just wanted the others to stop bothering her about it. She knew they were trying to look out for her, but she was getting tired of them constantly checking up on her. She couldn’t deny that the first few days after Cheryl had left she had been a total mess. She had cried and cried and cried. She had never experienced that kind of pain before.

But after realising Cheryl wasn’t going to come back, she told herself to get on with her life, which she a certain extent. She would go to work, get back to her flat, eat, go to bed. The same routine day after day. She would try her best not to talk to anyone she really didn’t have to, because as far as she was concerned she had nothing to talk about. Her life was empty. She didn’t laugh, neither did she cry anymore. It was like her emotions had forgotten how to function. The girls had been constantly trying to get her out of her flat, but she would always be ‘too tired’. But somehow they had managed to succeed that evening and had taken her out to the pub for dinner. She had barely said two words all evening, she just sat there hearing the sounds of the others’ voices, but not listening to what they were saying. She didn’t have much of an appetite these days, but she forced this big meal down her – purely so she’d have an excuse for not talking.

“We’ll come with you – you’re allowed to bring guests, right?” Nadine asked Kimberley. Kimberley simply nodded, not taking her eyes off her plate. “Good, well that’s settled then.”

“Right, who wants something a little stronger to drink?” Sarah offered as she stood up, preparing to make her way over to the bar.

“Actually, I’m going to go home, I’ve got an early start tomorrow.” Kimberley said as she picked up her bag from the floor.

“Come on, Kimba, you could do with having some fun,” Sarah pleaded, looking at the others for support.

“Please stay for another drink, you need to at least try to have a good time,” Nicola said gently.

“I’m fine, please stop acting like I’m not.” Kimberley didn’t need to look up to know the others were raising their eyebrows at each other. She stood up, but was stopped by Nadine’s hand on her arm.

“Kim, please, just hang around for a bit longer.”

Kimberley shook her head before mumbling goodbye and walking away.


As Kimberley walked into the venue with the others, she couldn’t help but wonder why on earth she’d agreed to come. This was the last thing she felt like doing; she wasn’t in the mood to mingle with people, let alone try to make them believe she was a world class producer.

“Wow, this is amazing!” Nicola squealed as they walked into the huge arena, packed with people having drinks before the ceremony started.

“I’ll get us some drinks!” Sarah announced as she spied out a waiter carrying an enormous tray of glasses full of champagne.

“No surprise there!” Nadine laughed as they looked around, taking in the eccentric decor of the place.

Kimberley wondered how she was going to even manage smiling at people, she only just realised that she probably hadn’t smiled in weeks...five to be exact. She was suddenly relieved that the others had invited themselves along – there was no way she could have come here alone. She heard Nicola start talking animatedly to her, but she wasn’t listening. She was in desperate need of a drink to give her a confidence boost, so tried to pick out where Sarah had got to. She sighed when she saw Sarah chatting, or rather flirting, with the waiter. She rolled her eyes and was about to turn to Nicola to pretend she’d been listening when her eyes picked someone else out. Her jaw dropped and she felt that familiar, but recently absent, hammering of her heart. ‘No fcuking way.’


Cheryl was getting tired of putting on her ‘winning’ smile. Being around a ton of people wasn’t her idea of fun right now, but she couldn’t complain seeing as she’d asked to be kept busy as much as possible.

Her breath suddenly hitched in her chest when she heard an unmistakable laugh right behind her. She slowly turned around and saw Sarah standing only two metres away from her, chatting to a waiter. Sarah locked eye contact with Cheryl, her face swiftly changing from laughter to shock. Cheryl froze, unsure of what to do. She saw Sarah excuse herself and make her way towards her.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were in LA?” Sarah asked. She didn’t look particularly angry, more confused.

“Um...yeah, I got back today.” Cheryl explained. “What are you doing here?”

Sarah shifted nervously. “Well I’m with Kimberley, we decided to come with her for support.”

Cheryl’s heart practically stopped. “Kimberley’s here?” It came out in such a quiet whisper she wasn’t sure if Sarah heard her. But Sarah obviously had because she nodded slowly as her eyes darted over Cheryl’s shoulder. Cheryl spun around to look in the same direction as Sarah and immediately found her... god did she look amazing. Suddenly Cheryl felt warmth inside her, just from seeing the face she’d been dreaming about for the past five weeks. For an instant it felt as though everything was fine again – better than fine, as if nothing bad had ever happened. Cheryl saw Kimberley was staring back at her in the same state of shock before averting her eyes, grabbing Nicola’s arm and turning towards the exit. Cheryl found herself going after her, as though she was being pulled towards her like a magnet. Before she could get very far, Nadine appeared out of nowhere and stood right in front of her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Cheryl looked at Nadine helplessly. “But...”

“But what?” Nadine asked harshly. “I think you’ve done enough, don’t you?”

“Nads...” Sarah spoke quietly as she stood next to her.

“What? She’s caused enough damage, there’s no way I’m going to let her do more.” Nadine nodded her head at Cheryl, who looked down at the floor. She knew she deserved to be getting this treatment, but it still hurt to hear just how much her actions must have affected Kimberley.

“Don’t worry, Cheryl,” Nadine continued in a ruthless manner, “you can live with the knowledge that you tore down a beautiful person, and left a stranger in her place.” And with that Nadine walked away, leaving behind a distraught Cheryl.

“Is she really that bad?” Cheryl whispered to Sarah, unable to imagine Kimberley being anything other than her beautiful warm self.

“Well she’s bit different,” Sarah answered cautiously, feeling a little awkward after Nadine’s outburst. “I better go.”

“I do love her, you know.” Cheryl uttered quietly, tears forming in her eyes. Sarah turned back around to face her.

“That’s what I thought, I just don’t understand what the hell you’re doing.” She spoke in a soft voice, even though she was frowning.

“I-” Cheryl was cut off before she was able to get any more words out.

“I’m not the one you need to talk to, Cheryl.” Sarah held her stare for a few seconds before turning around once again and leaving her alone.

Cheryl stared after her, trying to grasp what had just happened, until she was brought out of her thoughts by a voice right next to her.

“Cheryl, good to see you!” Drew grinned. Cheryl jumped and wondered how long he’d been lingering around, and whether he’d heard her exchange with Nadine and Sarah.

“Sorry Drew, I need to go.” She quickly wiped her eyes and made to walk past him.

“Come on Cheryl, I’ll get you a drink, you look like you could use one.” He put his hand on her back, trying to lead her over to the bar.

“Would you just take a hint for once and leave me alone for fcuks sake.” Cheryl hissed at him before moving away from his grasp and running to find Hillary so she could leave.

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