Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Kimberley soon discovered that her hopes had been ineffective; time was dragging more than she ever thought it could. It had only been two days. She was relieved that she’d had to work over the weekend because otherwise she didn’t know how she would have occupied herself. But the bad side of that meant she and Cheryl could barely talk to each other on the phone, what with the time difference, so their main communication was by text. Kimberley had known that she was going to miss Cheryl, but she never thought she would be feeling this miserable. She was surprised at how much she was yearning to hear that Geordie voice and see that beautiful smile. 

Last night she’d decided she would set her alarm for 3am so that she could phone Cheryl and actually have a proper conversation with her. But when she’d tried calling, she just got an engaged tone. After more failed attempts, she went back to sleep. When she got up in the morning she saw that Cheryl had tried calling her back, but she’d stupidly left her phone on silent. She cursed herself as she opened an unread text.

From: Cheryl

Babe I’m so sorry I missed your call 

I was talking to my lawyer.

What were you doing up at that time?

Is everything alright?

I really really miss you x

Kimberley felt her stomach flutter when she read her text, missing her even more. 

Everything’s fine...apart from the fact that you’re still not here!

I woke up in the night and thought it was worth trying2 call u.

Ur flying back this eve, right?

Let me know when u r home in the morn, I’ll come over.

Miss you 2 x

Kimberley sent her reply, slightly altering the truth over why she’d been awake in the middle of the night, not wanting Cheryl to know that she’d woken specially. But at least she would be seeing her tomorrow morning – she wouldn’t need to be in the studio until the afternoon so she’d get a few hours with her.


Kimberley checked her phone when she was on a quick tea break in the studio and saw she had a message from Cheryl. She felt the butterflies again as she opened the message, an automatic smile on her face.

From: Cheryl

Turns out I have to stay an extra day.

I’m so p!ssed off. 

I’m really sorry, don’t think I didn’t argue!

How’s your day going? X

Kimberley’s smile soon turned to a frown when she read the message. She’d been really looking forward to seeing Cheryl tomorrow, and now she had to wait even longer.  She quickly texted a reply.

My day was going fine until u told me that!

I can’t believe this, I really want 2 c u.

I thought I’d be excited tonight about 2moro

But i guess it will be another miserable night in front of the tv! x

She put her phone in her pocket and went back to work feeling very deflated.


“What are you two doing here?” Kimberley had opened her flat door later that evening to reveal Nadine and Nicola standing on the other side. Kimberley didn’t feel like entertaining, she just wanted to curl up in front of the tv.

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