Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The drive back to Kimberley’s flat was a silent one. Cheryl could sense that Kimberley’s mood had changed and that she didn’t really want to talk about anything. She parked the car and was just about to ask her if everything was alright when the front door suddenly opened and Justin marched out.

“Thanks Cheryl,” Kimberley mumbled quickly as she opened the car door, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Before Cheryl got a chance to reply Kimberley slammed the door shut and walked over to Justin, trying to lead him back inside. Justin shook her hand of his arm, while swaying on the spot.

“Please don’t cause a scene, Justin,” Kimberley pleaded quietly.

“Well what time do you call this?” He shouted back.

At this point Cheryl, who had just been about to turn on the ignition of her car, looked up after hearing the tone of his voice.

“Justin, come on.” Kimberley again tried to nudge him towards the door.

“Don’t tell me what to *Ducking* do!” Justine growled, while roughly pushing her away.

“Hey!” Cheryl stepped out of the car and walked over to Kimberley, while glaring at Justin.

“Cheryl, it’s fine,” Kimberley tried to assure her. “I’ve had a few too many drinks, I just lost my footing.” 

“I don’t think it’s you who’s had a few too many.” Cheryl replied, but directing it towards Justin.

“Excuse me?” Justin turned to face Cheryl.

“She didn’t mean anything by it Justin,” Kimberley assured him. Justin merely grunted and turned towards the door, grabbing wildly at Kimberley but missing.

“Kimberley, you’re coming with me.” Cheryl told her.

“No she’s *Ducking* not!” Justin shouted over his shoulder.

“Cheryl, it’s fine, I’m fine.” Kimberley said to her in a small voice which made Cheryl melt.

“Babe, please, I’d feel much happier if you came with me,” Cheryl put her hand in Kimberley’s and gently led her over to the car.

“Don’t you dare get in that car, Kimberley!” Justin yelled. Kimberley closed her eyes, attempting to hold back tears. How could Justin embarrass her like his? Cheryl opened the passenger door and helped her in. She then climbed into the driver’s seat and backed the car out of the drive. Kimberley’s last glimpse of Justin was of him kicking over one of the bins in anger.

Again the car ride was silent, only this time Kimberley had tears pouring down her cheeks. Cheryl put her hand on Kimberley’s thigh and gave her a comforting squeeze, but Kimberley concentrated on staring out of the window, not wanting Cheryl to see the state she was in.

After a while they drove through the gates of Cheryl’s house and along the windy drive to the house. Kimberley looked up and saw the massive house in front of them. She got out of the car and waited for Cheryl to unlock the front door before following her in. They stepped into a huge hallway, the walls decorated with various pieces of modern art. Cheryl led her through to the living room, where there were a few large leather sofas which were strategically placed around a very big flat screen television.

“Would you like a cup of tea?” Cheryl asked Kimberley softly, while sitting her down on one of the sofas.

“Please,” Kimberley replied, glad of the opportunity to have a few minutes to herself. Cheryl patted her on the knee and left the room. As soon as she had gone Kimberley felt more tears coming, and couldn’t stop them pouring from her eyes. She hated the fact that Justin reduced her to a crying mess more and more these days. She had always been a mentally strong woman, but she felt so trapped in a relationship which was crashing and burning in front of her eyes.

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