Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Kimberley woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the table next to her bed. It was a few seconds before she remembered where she was and what had happened last night. She squirmed at the memory of kissing Cheryl – what the hell had driven her to do that?! What if Cheryl now felt uncomfortable around her? At least she had seemed ok about it last night – she hadn’t freaked out or anything.

Kimberley’s mobile phone broke her from her thoughts when it signalled a text.

Kim babe, I’m so sorry about last night.

Please come home, I miss you

J x

Kimberley sighed when she saw she also had a missed call from him too. She figured it was best to sort it out sooner rather than later so she called a taxi to come pick her up from outside the gates.

She got dressed and made her way downstairs hoping to find Cheryl; she didn’t want to just leave without saying anything. She looked around, each time amazed when she walked into the huge rooms with expensive decor. She couldn’t find Cheryl, so went back upstairs and saw one of the bedroom doors was open. Once she reached the doorway her breath hitched when she saw the extravagant master bedroom. It was the most lavish bedroom she’d ever seen; there was a massive bed in the middle, there were mirrored glass panels down one side of the bedroom walls, opposite a vast window with enormous drapes either side.

“You alright?” Kimberley spun around at the sound of the voice behind her and found Cheryl leaning on the frame of the door just opposite the room, still in her pyjamas.

“Sorry, I was just looking for you and then I saw this room and thought you’d probably be here.” Kimberley felt as though she’d been caught snooping, although she really wasn’t meaning to be nosey.

“That’s not my room anymore, I’ve moved across the hall,” Cheryl nodded into the room she was standing next to. “I don’t really fancy sleeping in a room which holds so many memories.”

“Right, course,” Kimberley cursed herself for not thinking. “Look I just wanted to apologise about last night, know...”

Realising Kimberley was referring to the kiss, Cheryl felt her cheeks blush slightly. “Honestly, don’t worry about a thing.” Cheryl shrugged it off to try to ease Kimberley’s worries.

Kimberley nodded, feeling relieved. “And thanks so much for everything you did for me, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome babe, it’s no trouble. Would you like some breakfast?” Cheryl offered while turning to walk down the hall.

“Actually I’m just going to head out I think. I really need to sort things out with Justin.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea; you don’t think you should give it a bit more time?” Cheryl asked, with worry laced in her voice.

“He’s ok now, he’s texted and called me to apologise. So I want to get home to talk things through.”

“Oh...ok then. Well give me fifteen minutes to get dressed and I’ll drive you home.” Cheryl once again changed her direction so she was heading back to her room.

“That’s very kind of you, but I’ve already ordered a taxi,” Kimberley said quickly. Upon seeing the surprise on Cheryl’s face she added “I just felt you’ve done enough for me and I didn’t want to be any more of a bother than I have already been.”

“Kimberley, how many times do I have to tell you?! You’re no bother at all, I like being able to help you.”

Kimberley smiled at Cheryl. “Well I’ll see you in a couple of hours in the studio, right?”

“Yes, course, but if you need more time with Justin then that’s fine, we can just continue next week.”

“Actually that might be a good idea, would you mind?” Kimberley asked as she walked towards the stairs. She felt it wouldn’t go down well with Justin if she got home only to then start work almost straight away.

“No no, that’s fine.” Cheryl followed her downstairs to the front door. “I don’t think you have my number, do you? I think you’ve just got Hillary’s.” Cheryl bent over the table by the door and scribbled a number down on a piece of paper before handing it to Kimberley. “Please let me know if you need anything at all.”

Kimberley took the bit of paper and pulled her in for a hug.

“Thanks,” she whispered quietly. Cheryl rubbed her back in response and stepped back to open the door. “See you next week,” Kimberley said as she stepped out.

“Aye, I’ll try not to be too late!” Cheryl laughed as she watched her walk down the steps. Kimberley turned to wink at her and continued her walk down the drive. Cheryl remained in the doorway, almost in a daze. She was still feeling a bit odd around Kimberley since last night, and she couldn’t work out why. Cheryl suddenly realised that she was staring at Kimberley’s arse while she was walking away.“Fcuking hell girl, what’s wrong with you?!” she thought to herself as she blinked her eyes and closed the door. Maybe she’s been too tired lately, and everything was starting to catch up. She really hoped it would all be back to normal by next week, the free weekend might do her some good.

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