Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Cheryl, what the hell are you doing out here?!” Sarah’s yell made Cheryl jump. “I think you’ve spent enough time on the phone for one evening!” And with that Sarah grabbed the phone from Cheryl and switched it off. She then tugged Cheryl back inside the noisy club. Cheryl couldn’t think straight...she couldn’t believe what she had almost done – what was she thinking? Hopefully the call hadn’t even connected before Sarah had taken her phone from her.

“Right missy,” Sarah turned to Cheryl with two drinks in her hands, “Get this down y–”

Before Sarah could finish her sentence Cheryl had taken both glasses from her and necked them down.

“ was actually mine, but no worries we’ll go get more!” Sarah loved the fact she didn’t even have to persuade Cheryl; she was already ahead of her, stumbling in the direction of the bar.

A few hours later and Kimberley had slowed down on the drinks, but carried on dancing with the others. She was feeling a bit confused because every time she had tried to dance close to Cheryl, Cheryl would grab one of the other girls and manoeuvre them between her and Kimberley. It was weird, especially as she’d had no problem dancing with her before. Kimberley couldn’t work out what she’d done to offend Cheryl, although maybe it was nothing and she was just making a big deal out of things which didn’t even mean anything. But it had annoyed her when (after a bit of persuading) Justin had gone over to Cheryl to apologise for behaving so badly the other week, and Cheryl had hardly said anything back to him, she didn’t even smile. Kimberley thought Cheryl would have been a little more gracious than that.

She could tell Cheryl was getting more and more plastered, and started to think they should call it a night soon. Just as she was going to suggest this to Nadine, Nicola pushed past them, pulling Cheryl by the hand towards the loos. Nadine shot a worried look at Kimberley who in turn went after them.

Kimberley and Nadine walked into the loos and heard the sound of someone being sick. Kimberley walked over to the cubicle the sound had come from.

“Nic, is Cheryl ok?”

“Um...not great, but she’ll probably be feeling a little better after this.”

“Can you let me in?”

Kimberley could hear Cheryl trying to get some words out. “No, don’t come in,” She slurred.

“It’s ok Cheryl, it’s only Kim,” Nicola moved to open the door. Kimberley looked over Nicola’s shoulder and saw Cheryl crumpled on the floor next to the loo. She felt something jolt inside her; she hated to see Cheryl look so vulnerable and so she squeezed past Nicola and crouched down beside Cheryl and ran her hands through her brunette locks.

“Come on babe, let’s get you home,” Kimberley then turned to Nadine. “Nadz, could you find Justin and tell him I’m taking Cheryl home?” Nadine nodded and left.

“No...” Cheryl mumbled and shifted away from Kimberley, “I can get home on my own.” Kimberley felt hurt and couldn’t understand why Cheryl was brushing her off like this.

“Chez, let Kim take you home, you’re in no state to get there on your own,” Nicola told her. Cheryl felt powerless and reluctantly nodded.

Kimberley helped her up and put her arm around her waist. The door opened as they reached it and Sarah walked in and raised her eyebrows when she saw Kimberley supporting a very drunk Cheryl.

“Nadine just told me you’re leaving, so I’ve got your stuff,” She said as she handed over their bags. “Also, here’s Cheryl’s phone,” Sarah placed it in Kimberley’s hand. “I sort of confiscated it earlier...” She said in answer to Kimberley’s questioning look.

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