Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

“Are you serious?” Cheryl asked, not believing it. Kimberley nodded.

“Blimey, I mean no offence, but I just didn’t know...” Cheryl trailed off, realising she was probably sounding rude. Her eyes fell to the floor.

“What you mean to say is you didn’t think I was much good at anything,” Kimberley interjected. Cheryl looked up and was relieved to find a huge smile spread across Kimberley’s face.

“Don’t worry Cheryl, I was only joking!” Kimberley laughed. “I’m actually thrilled you like it, this song is like my own baby, it’s very precious to me.”

“I can understand why you’re so protective of it. But Kimberley, I would love to record this, if you’re ok with that?” Cheryl spoke gently, with a sudden respect for the woman. “And of course I’d like you to produce it too, I’m hardly going to want to sing a song you’ve written but have someone else produce it. I want you to have control of it.” 

Kimberley’s face lit up. She couldn’t believe Cheryl wanted something that she had written, and for Cheryl to then put her trust in her was incredible.

“I’d love to work with you, Cheryl,” Kimberley said. “But as you know, it’s not finished yet, and I can only imagine what your schedule is like. But I don’t want to just rush it either, it needs to be perfect.”

“Don’t worry about that, I will make sure I make time for it. It can take as long as it takes. We can work on it together if you want?”

“That would be perfect,” Kimberley replied. 

Hillary stood up, relieved that Cheryl had finally found something she liked. “Well ladies, I’m extremely pleased at how this has turned out! But I’m afraid Cheryl and I have to get back to London now for an appointment. But I’ll be in touch, Kimberley, this afternoon to sort out paperwork etc. But in the meantime you and Cheryl ought to arrange a time to meet this week to start writing/recording.”

They sorted their diaries out and said their goodbyes. As Kimberley watched them get into the car she noticed Cheryl’s face fall for a split second. She saw a sadness in her eyes as she shut the car door. Kimberley couldn’t imagine how the girl must be feeling at this time in her life, and she only knew what the press kept printing, which wasn’t a particularly reliable source. 

As Kimberley watched the car drive away her phone rang. She saw who it was and smiled to herself.

-“Hey Nadine!”

-“Kimberley, tell me everything!” A very high pitched Nadine demanded. Kimberley had told her who she was going to be meeting today, and needless to say Nadine was very excited.

-“Come over tonight and I’ll tell you all about it.” Kimberley hadn’t realised how nervous she’d been, until now when her body suddenly relaxed.

-“Ok babe, see you tonight. I’m bringing the girls, just to warn you!”

-“Great, bye hun.”

Kimberley went back inside and up to her flat, which was directly above the studio. She couldn’t help but grin to herself when she thought over the morning’s events.


Cheryl finally got home after many talks with her record label. She felt exhausted and wanted to just go to bed. But she knew that every time she tried to sleep she would then think about all the bad things going on in her life at the moment. So she chose wine instead. She hated coming back to a big empty house with nothing but memories. Trying to move her thoughts on from her loneliness she thought about how her meeting went with Kimberley. Cheryl now realised that she liked the fact Kimberley wasn’t just a normal well known, arrogant music producer. She clearly cared about the music itself. 

Chim - Keep Holding OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora