Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

All five girls just stared at Justin in shock until Kimberley stood up.

“Justin, you can’t just walk in like this.”

Justin shrugged and walked over to Kimberley. “Well I’m returning the key to you,” he said as he threw it down on the table, and swayed where he stood.

“You’ve been drinking...” Kimberley observed.

“Can we talk?” Justin demanded.

“We’ve already talked.” Kimberley replied, feeling uncomfortable knowing everyone was witnessing this conversation.

“Just five minutes.” Justin didn’t wait for a response as he stumbled into the kitchen.

Cheryl stood up, outraged at Justin’s behaviour.

“Kim, don’t bother, we’ll get rid of him.” She went to move past Kimberley, but was stopped.

“No, that will only cause more chaos. I’ll go and talk to him.”

“Kim, I really don’t feel happy about this. Let me talk to him.” Cheryl insisted.

Nadine spoke up too. “I agree with Cheryl.”

“Guys just let me sort this out will you? I’ll be no longer than five minutes.” Kimberley walked into the kitchen and closed the door.

Cheryl hated the thought of Kimberley alone with Justin when he was in this state. She hated the thought enough even when he was sober. 

“What the hell? He can’t just fcuking march in here and demand to talk to her!” Cheryl practically growled.

“I know, I don’t like it either,” Sarah said grimly. Nadine and Nicola nodded. They started going through all the reasons why Kimberley should have got rid of him ages ago, but Cheryl couldn’t concentrate on what they were saying. She just stared at the door, feeling worse every second it remained closed.

The sound of crashing glass came from the other side of the door, and before she knew it, Cheryl was on her feet, closely followed by the others. She burst into the kitchen to see a panic stricken Kimberley with glass at her feet. Cheryl saw Justin had another glass in his hand, ready to throw, so she ran over to Kimberley to try to pull her away, but she was rooted to the spot. Cheryl stood in front of her and glared at Justin.

“What the FCUK do you think you’re doing?” She yelled at him. She wanted to beat the crap out of him, but she didn’t dare leave Kimberley. Sarah sneaked up behind Justin and grabbed the glass from him.

“You’re leaving, now.” Sarah stated. Justin blinked and looked down at the mess he’d caused. He put a hand up to his head, as if he was confused by it all.

“I’m so sorry.” He said in a barely audible tone. He walked shakily out of the kitchen and left the flat without another word. Nicola went to put the chain on the door, just in case he decided to come back.

“Sh!t, Kimberley, are you ok?” Nadine asked as she rushed over to where Kimberley and Cheryl stood.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine. The glass didn’t get me, I just wasn’t expecting it.” Kimberley said faintly. Cheryl noticed she’d turned very pale so she carefully led her out of the kitchen and onto a sofa.

“Lie down, you don’t look too good.” 

Kimberley lay back on the sofa while Cheryl knelt next to her, with her hand on her forehead. Nicola came over and crouched down next to Cheryl.

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