Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Cheryl practically ran up the stairs to Kimberley’s flat, desperate to see her again. She’d been right – she hadn’t stopped smiling all day and she also hadn’t been able to think about anything else either. She turned the key in the lock and opened the door.

“Cheryl!” Kimberley got up from the sofa as Cheryl ran over to her. “Babe, don’t -”

Cheryl threw herself at her and kissed her hard on the lips. A second later a noise sounded from the kitchen. Cheryl immediately jumped away from Kimberley and turned to see Nicola walking into the main room.

“Oh hey Cheryl!” Nicola said, seemingly oblivious to anything. “How was LA? Why are you so out of breath?!”

Cheryl felt herself blushing as she replied. “Guess those stairs knackered me a bit!” She glanced over at Kimberley who was staring at the floor with a small smile playing on her lips. “LA was good thanks, already feels like it was ages ago, so I thought I’d come around to say hi to Kim.”

“I thought Kim went to yours this morning?” Nicola asked with a slight frown. Kimberley busied herself with picking up the leftover food from the table.

“Right, yeah, well we didn’t have time to catch up properly.” Cheryl felt like she was digging herself a bigger hole by the second and so decided to try to move the conversation on. “How did the shopping go?”

“It was good actually,” Nicola responded enthusiastically, “Kimberley helped me pick out a really nice dress, I just need a reason to wear it now!”

“Well I have an idea,” Cheryl smiled, “I’ve been invited to a charity event in London next week and I can bring guests – how about we all go? It’s just drinks at a fancy bar, but it could be fun. I wasn’t going to go if I was going to be on my own.”

“Really? Oh my god, that sounds brilliant,” Nicola squealed. “Is it one of those fancy A-listers bash?!”

Cheryl laughed, “I guess it might be something like that, although maybe not as good as A-listers – I’ve been invited after all!”

“I don’t know if this is such a wise idea...Sarah could cause real damage at an event like that!” Kimberley laughed.

“It will make things more interesting no doubt!” Cheryl giggled.

“Thanks Cheryl, I’ll tell the others tonight. I’m going to the pub now to see them. Do you guys want to come?” Nicola picked up her coat and walked to the door.

“Um...” Cheryl looked at Kimberley, pleading with her eyes.

“Actually I think we’re going to just stay here, Cheryl’s still a bit jet-lagged, aren’t you?” Kimberley stared back at Cheryl.

“Yes, sorry babe.” Cheryl smiled apologetically to Nicola.

“No worries, see you soon girlies.” As soon as Nicola had left Cheryl exhaled loudly and started pacing up and down the living room.

“Oh my god, that was so close! Why didn’t you tell me she was here?!”

“Well I tried but you didn’t really let me get a word in edgeways!” Kimberley laughed and put her hands on Cheryl’s waist before kissing her softly. “ about we continue what you started?!” She winked and pushed Cheryl down onto the sofa.

“Mmm...” Cheryl let herself be pushed down flat on the sofa and squeezed Kimberley’s bum when Kimberley lay over her.

“I meant to ask, how did the meeting go?” Kimberley asked as she stroked Cheryl’s cheek.

“Fine. I think they were all a bit surprised at my attitude to be honest...I was practically grinning at everyone, even Ashley! I think he found it a little unsettling...”

“Really?” Kimberley giggled. “And what exactly was it that you were smiling about?” She raised her eyebrow and smirked down at Cheryl.

“Oh, I was just really looking forward to a programme on tv tonight, couldn’t stop thinking about it all day!” Cheryl teased. Kimberley pinched Cheryl’s tummy.

“Fine, well I’ll leave you with the tv then!” She moved to get up only for Cheryl to pull her back down again.

“Don’t go!” She wined. “I was only jokin’, I actually spent the day thinking about my gorgeous girlfriend...”

“That’s much better,” Kimberley grinned as she leant down to kiss her.

“Yeah, I’m just waiting for her to come home now!” Cheryl giggled.

“Ok, that’s it!” Kimberley got up from the sofa in a mock strop and went to sit in the armchair with her arms folded across her chest.

“I’m sorry babe, I’ll stop being silly, I promise!” Cheryl looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

Kimberley shook her head and pouted. “Nope, you’ve missed your chance now.”

“Pleeeaaase?” Cheryl walked over to her and tried to take her hand. Kimberley turned her face away from her, determined not to give in. Cheryl took a step back from her with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Ok, well you don’t mind if I get changed for bed then, do you?” Cheryl asked in an innocent tone, as she slowly pulled her top off. She saw Kimberley glance at her out of the corner of her eye, but still didn’t get the attention she wanted. So Cheryl kicked off her shoes as she started to unbutton her jeans and gradually slid them down, stepping out of them so that she was standing in just her underwear. Kimberley turned to face her with wide eyes. Cheryl smirked, knowing her plan was working. She reached up and pulled out her hair tie, shaking her hair loose as the wavy locks fell onto her shoulders, to which she heard Kimberley let out an audible sigh. Cheryl stretched her arms behind herself to unclasp her bra and saw Kimberley’s eyes get even wider before she slowly pulled it away from her body. Kimberley let her eyes wander over Cheryl’s torso, transfixed by the sight, and subconsciously licked her lips. She could feel arousal rushing through her, but was unable to move, wanting to watch Cheryl’s next action.

Cheryl could see that Kimberley was daring her to see how far she would go and so she moved her hands to the sides of her knickers and inch by inch brought them down, all the while staring at Kimberley. She stood up straight for a few seconds and raised her eyebrow at Kimberley, who sat with her mouth open and looked as though she’d been hypnotised.

“Pyjamas are in the bedroom, yeah?” Cheryl asked casually as she sauntered away from Kimberley and into the bedroom. Kimberley swallowed and leaped up to chase after her. She couldn’t believe Cheryl had the cheek to do what she just did, and she knew full well that Cheryl was getting exactly what she wanted, but Kimberley didn’t care about giving in – how could she not?

“Don’t you dare even think about putting any clothes on!” Kimberley growled as she entered the room to find Cheryl lying seductively on the bed.

“Whatever you say,” Cheryl winked before Kimberley jumped on top of her.


“Morning baby,” Kimberley kissed Cheryl when she felt her stretching in her arms.

“So this time you were watching me sleep?!” Cheryl chuckled as she kissed her again.

“Sorry, couldn’t help it!” Kimberley wrapped her arms tight around Cheryl, who rested her head in the crook of Kimberley’s neck.

Cheryl closed her eyes and sighed happily, feeling as though she was still dreaming.

“I love you,” Cheryl whispered. Her eyes snapped open the second she realised she’d said it out loud. She froze for a second before wriggling out of Kimberley’s arms, very much aware of the deafening silence. Kimberley didn’t put up a struggle as Cheryl freed herself and sat up, facing away from Kimberley.

“I need some water...” Cheryl mumbled, desperate to get out of the room. She felt so exposed, both emotionally and physically as she remembered her clothes were still in the living room, so she grabbed Kimberley’s dressing gown and hastily put it on before walking out, not even daring to look at Kimberley.

The minute she was out of Kimberley’s sight, Cheryl ran over to pick up her clothes, hurriedly dressing herself. She felt like such an idiot. She knew that she was in love with Kimberley, but she certainly hadn’t intended to say it just yet. And Kimberley couldn’t even say anything back – she’d obviously felt about as awkward as Cheryl had. Cheryl knew it was early days, but she’d really hoped that Kimberley had felt the same way...apparently not. She slumped down onto the sofa and put her head in her hands, unsure of what to do. After a minute or two she got up and went to the kitchen, thinking a glass of water might actually be a good idea. She stood staring out of the kitchen window feeling suddenly so alone. She heard footsteps behind her, but couldn’t bring herself to turn around. Kimberley slipped her arms around Cheryl’s waist and hugged her from behind, her chin on Cheryl’s shoulder.

Cheryl closed her eyes when she felt tears threatening to fall. Kimberley heard a quiet sob shuddering through Cheryl, and stepped back to turn Cheryl around.

“I’m sorry,” Cheryl sniffed, still not looking at her. “I just got carried away, I really didn’t want to ruin anything. Can we just pretend I didn’t say it? I really didn’t mea-”

Kimberley put a finger to Cheryl’s lips. “Don’t say you didn’t mean it.”

Cheryl stared at the hem of Kimberley’s pyjama top, not having a clue what to say next.

Kimberley put her hand to Cheryl’s cheek.

“I love you too.”

Cheryl’s eyes shot up to Kimberley’s when she heard the words leave her mouth.

“You do?” She asked timidly, her eyes searching Kimberley’s.

“I do,” Kimberley smiled. “I just didn’t realise it until now. I’m sorry for making you feel embarrassed a moment ago, I just had to let it sink in. And once it had, I knew that I felt the same. I guess I knew from the beginning that my feelings for you were much stronger than any other relationship I’ve had, it’s very unusual for me to get so attached to someone this fast – I don’t just hand out my keys to anybody!” Kimberley laughed as she finished.

Cheryl giggled, with fresh tears falling from her eyes. She moved closer to Kimberley and kissed her gently.

“I love you.” Cheryl said again, this time with a big grin on her face. “And I think I’ve known it since I had to leave for LA. It’s like it suddenly hit me when I was saying goodbye to you. You’ve made me feel alive again, Kimberley. You have my heart completely.”

Kimberley felt her own heart soar at Cheryl’s words, and engulfed her in a hug.

“And you have mine,” She whispered into Cheryl’s ear and kissed her neck as they remained in their tight embrace for several minutes.

Once they’d parted Kimberley looked Cheryl up and down, noticing she was dressed.

“I hope you weren’t planning on going anywhere?” She giggled.

“No, I was just...” Cheryl felt silly now for her initial reaction.

“Preparing to make a run for it?!” Kimberley laughed as she encircled Cheryl’s waist with her arms.

Cheryl laughed. “Um...well there’s no harm in being ready!”

“Please don’t tell me you have to be in London at any point today?” Kimberley asked, her smile fading slightly.

“Nope!” Cheryl grinned. “I cleared my schedule for the rest of the week, so you’re going to have to put up with me!”

Kimberley smiled widely at her response and kissed her passionately.

“Good, because I wasn’t going to let you go anywhere anyway!”

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