Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

“What are you doing here?!” Kimberley turned the hoover off when she saw Cheryl walk into her flat. “I thought you were supposed to be in London this afternoon?”

“That’s a nice welcome!” Cheryl joked as she walked over to Kimberley and wrapped her arms around her. “Well it’s been ages since we actually spent a whole day together, so I figured I’d make the most of you on your day off!”

Kimberley smiled and kissed her gently. “As long as you’re not missing anything important.”

“Babe, that’s why I’m here, because if I was in London then I’d be missing you.” Cheryl grinned goofily at her own corny statement and kissed Kimberley more passionately. Kimberley sighed and pulled Cheryl down onto the sofa.

“Have you managed to get the rest of the day free, tonight as well?” Kimberley asked in between kisses. Cheryl didn’t answer for a while as she stroked Kimberley’s tongue with her own.

“Yep, and I just want to spend it with you.”

Kimberley grinned and ran her hands through Cheryl’s hair. “Well I was going to go for a walk in a bit, seeing as it’s nice weather and all, want to join?”

“A walk in the sunshine with my girlfriend...sounds perfect!” Cheryl smiled and took Kimberley’s hand as she got up from the sofa.


“It’s days like these when I actually really love the countryside,” Cheryl smiled as she walked hand in hand with Kimberley along the edge of a field. “I don’t think we’ve ever really spent any proper time with each other outside your flat or my house.”

“I know,” Kimberley pulled Cheryl over to the shade from a tree and sat down on the grass. “And there’s not a person in sight, I can even kiss you in a public area!” She tugged Cheryl down next to her and gently pulled her face closer to her own to kiss her on the lips.

“hmmm,” Cheryl smiled into the kiss. “I’m so glad I decided to postpone the stuff I was meant to do today, this is exactly how I would want to spend every day. And I want to take you out to a nice restaurant tonight, what do you say?”

“Are you implying my cooking isn’t good enough?!” Kimberley grinned.

“No! I love your cooking, you know I do! But I want to treat you, and it can be our ‘first date’!”

“Sounds perfect babe,” Kimberley leaned in to kiss her briefly. “Although I reckon we’re a little past our ‘first date’, don’t you?!”

“True...well it can be just a ‘date’ then!” Cheryl pushed Kimberley down so she was lying on her back. “Just as well, because if it was our ‘first date’ then I guess there wouldn’t be any sex afterwards!”

“It’s a bit presumptuous of you to assume there would be anyway!” Kimberley winked up at Cheryl before leaning her head up to kiss her deeply.

Cheryl lay down next to her, her arm and leg draped over Kimberley as the kiss heated up. Kimberley tangled her hand in Cheryl’s hair, pulling her closer. Cheryl slowly moved her hand under Kimberley’s top and stroked her stomach before inching her way downwards.

“Babe,” Kimberley laughed as she put her hand over Cheryl’s and pulled away. “We’re not doing this here – someone could walk right past us!”

“Who?!” Cheryl kissed her neck.

“I don’t walkers?! Would you really want that to happen?!”

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