Chapter One - LarryAndHustin

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This story was initially posted on LarryAndHustin's account, also written by her. She had decided to leave Wattpad for personal reasons so I'll continue this story after chapter 14. She sort of 'gave' me this story so obviously the plot/idea is all hers and I will take no credit for any of it (except for the chapters I actaully write myself). I know I will never be able to live up to the pressure put on my shoulders but I can just hope I won't dissapoint you guys too much.

- Lila :]


So this is going to be different than most Larrys you read. That's all I'm gonna say. I don't wanna give much away although the title does kinda give you a good idea. Also I'm extremely excited to write this I think it's one of my best ideas yet so don't expect updates on my other stories any time soon. One last thing, this will be jumping between Harry & Louis' POV's mostly but there will occasionally be POV's from the boys, etc.

Harry's POV

"Understand?" the deep voice belonging to the head of management, Mr. Droze, said sternly to me through the phone.

"Yes. I'm not four, I can process words," I replied in a monotone.

"Don't speak to me like that, Styles," he said in the same voice as before.

"Oh c'mon, just trying to have a little fun and lighten the mood!" I smirked, trying to piss him off.

"Whatever. Don't be late tomorrow," He said before abruptly hanging up. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and walked up the steps to my flat with a wide smile on my face. I don't know exactly why they wanted to see me, but I had a pretty good idea of what it'd be about. The same thing it's always about. Louis.

Speak of the devil, he's walking over to me right now with a wide smile on his face. Ugh I hate his smile. There's nothing wrong with the smile itself, it's a pretty cute smile, but he's the one wears it, so I hate it.

"Hey, Haz!" he chirped happily.

"Call me that again and so help me God I will find a way to make your life hell," I snapped, not in the mood to be talking to him, not that I ever was.

He muttered something quietly that sounded like 'you already have' but I didn't pay much attention to it, it's not like I cared.

"Anyways, Harry," he said, emphasizing the fact that he wasn't using the nickname I had just forbidden, "you still haven't RSVP'd for my party... are you coming?" He asked with what looked like almost a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I can't. Management needs me," I said, not sugar coating it or even apologizing for not being able to make it.

" you know what for? Maybe you could convince them to move the meeting, do you think they know it's the day of my birthday party?" he asked quietly, his gorgeous, sparkling eyes that I hated so much, trying to hold back tears.

"First off no, I can't convince them to move it, the head of management set it up so I think it's serious. Secondly, why the hell are you about to cry? You're almost twenty-one and you're getting upset over the fact that I'm not able to make it to your little party. It's not like I'd go if I had the option," I stated before walking away, roughly bumping into his shoulder as I passed him.

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