Chapter Eleven - LarryAndHustin

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Louis' POV

It's been two weeks since I got out of that damned flat and neither Harry or I have spoken a word to each other. Not that I want to talk to that prick anyways.

"You know you still love him," Zayn sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"Was I thinking out loud again?" I asked, not really caring much about the answer though.

"Nope. But I can tell when you're thinking about him. We all can. And I knew it was bad because your forehead was wrinkled again. You really shouldn't do that, we've got a photoshoot coming up and no one's gonna want to put weird wrinkle cream on your forehead," he said, putting his legs up on the coffee table, his arms folding behind his head. Oh how relaxed he looked. I wish I could feel like that. But no, Harry wouldn't allow that. Ever since the... incident... I've been extremely exhausted. Why'd he do that? He'd played games with me before....but that....that was just him being purely cruel. Even the boys gave him the silent treatment for a few days, but Niall cracked when he heard Harry crying and whimpering in his room. Well good for him. He should be crying. And whimpering. He deserves the sleepless nights, not me. He deserves the painful thoughts, not me. He deserves all of this stupid baggage I'm carrying around, not me.

"Lou! Earth to Louis!" Zayn shouted, now standing in front of me instead of sitting on the couch.

"What?" I asked, closing my eyes. If only I could get some peace and quiet.

"I said I'm going out. Do you want me to call Liam or Niall over to keep you company?" he asked, putting on his shoes and jacket.

"No!" I answered, a bit too insistent, "I'm uh, I'm alright."

"Okay..." Zayn said awkwardly, drawing out the 'o' sound.

"Yeah. Um...well... thanks anyways. Have fun wherever you're going," I said before quickly closing the door in his face.



Maybe now Harry would leave my thoughts and I'd actually be able to sleep.


Harry's POV

"He was thinking about you again. Not so great thoughts," Zayn's voice said, the door closing behind him.

"What'd he say about me this time?" I asked weakly, moving from my previous position of laying down to sitting, facing Zayn.

"He didn't say anything, but he had this horrible scowl on his face and his forehead was wrinkled. Then I told him I knew he was thinking about you and he confirmed it. So... yeah. Not such good things," he said, taking off his shoes.

I sighed deeply before standing up off the couch.

"I need to go have a workout. You coming?" I asked, walking into my room to change.

"Harry Styles is going to leave his flat?! Of course I'm coming!" He gasped dramatically, putting his shoes back on.

"Haha, very funny. I'd have to leave some time. Plus don't we have a photoshoot tomorrow? I'd have to leave then," I pointed out, coming back out of my room in a fresh t-shirt and sweats.

"Wow you change fast," Zayn said, completely ignoring my question.

"I know," I shrugged, slipping on my converse sneakers.

"So the shoot tomorrow. That means you have to see Lou," Zayn said, and for the first time I thought about it.

"Shit," I mumbled, shaking out my hair before grabbing my phone from its charger.

"Just....don't say anything to him? He's acting all angry and tough but we can all see that he's torn up about it..." he said softly, opening my front door.

"I'm upset too! Tell him not to talk to me!" I argued, closing the door behind myself and hopping into my car.

"Trust me, he's not going to. Not even if his life depends on it."

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