Chapter Six - LarryAndHustin

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Louis' POV

I'm such an idiot. I never should've opened my mouth. Why? Because now I'm sitting on the bed crying my eyes out, while Harry's locked himself in the bathroom. I haven't tried getting him to come out, (a/n no pun intended lol) and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon. He kissed me.

He actually pressed his lips to my own, for a solid 5 seconds.

Undoubtedly the best 5 seconds of my life.

Oh shut up Louis, you sound like some cliche lovesick boy.

Well, I guess I am.

In love with someone I can't have, finally get the kiss of my dreams, and then the person disappears.

Well, he's not exactly disappeared, because he can't leave the flat.

He's disappeared from my sight, but he's only on the floor right below me.

Oh boy. This is going to be a very awkward next 6 days.

Oh well.

At least I'll be remotely close to him.

I subconsciously floated my fingertips softly across my lips, his taste still lingering, along with the tingles.

Yep, you're definitely cliche Louis.

And talking to yourself.

I unpacked my stuff into one dresser, and then unpacked his stuff into the other dresser.

I changed into pyjamas, and climbed into the soft bed, taking up all the space, knowing Harry wouldn't come in during the night.


I lazily walked down to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes to clear my vision. I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and turned around to grab the cereal, only to find a plate of pancakes and a note taped to the counter.

I made pancakes and there were extras. Happy breakfast. If you have to use the loo knock 3 times then walk away. Come back 20 seconds later and when you leave just shout out letting me know. Don't wait for me by the door. I'll approach you when I'm ready. -H

Well, okay then. I put the milk back into the fridge, grabbing the syrup and plate of pancakes on the counter before sitting down and putting the delicious food into my mouth.

Just Shut Up And DieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora