Games •Part 3•

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Louis' POV

It was two days after the interview when we decided to have a marathon of horror films. Not my favourite idea but, I'd like to think I could handle it. We met up at Niall's at half nine, immediately occupying any soft area in the living room. Our plan was to stay awake as long as possible, although we knew we probably would only make it till about four-ish. Harry and I completely ignored each other, making a huge effort to chat animatedly with the remaining three lads. They didn't seem to pick up on our strange behaviour and if they did, they refrained from commenting.

By half one we had watched three films, our current one being Mama. The speakers leaked of intense, unnerving melodies as Annabel was just about to open the wardrobe on our screen. When she yanked it open, I simultaneously jerked from where I was seated on the carpeted floor and forced my senses not to see nor hear as I muttered an excuse about being thirsty. I hurriedly raced over to the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of water before chugging it down in enormous gulps. Once calmed I sighed heavily and glanced around Niall's kitchen. Atop the counter by the stove stood a fruit bowl containing an orange, two bananas and four apples. A smirk stretched my features as an evil idea planted its seed in my mind. I took ahold of one banana, effectively separating it from the others, and walked back into the living room. I reclaimed my seat on the floor in front of Liam, who sat on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, however, it was mostly Niall consuming the contents. On the other side of Liam, Harry was seated watching me from the oblique angle. I wasn't looking at him but I could feel his gaze on my skin, tickling it pleasantly. I grabbed a cushion from Zayn who was intently watching the movie from the recliner where he was seated, and placed it under my bum to prevent numbness. Once comfortable I began to peel the banana as slow as possible but not slow enough to be conspicuous. When the amount of desired peel was peeled satisfyingly off the fruit, I brought it to my lips. I pouted them slightly to meet the banana, before engulfing the fruit's upper region in my mouth. I faintly heard a whimper coming from the end of the couch with the accompanying burning of Harry's stare as I let the banana slip out again only to bring it in moments later. The friction between the surface and my lips caused the skin to drag along the shape of the fruit. I drew my lips back to not shield any action from view, bared my teeth and bit down on the tip, teasing my tastebuds with the little piece of sweet taste. I flicked my tongue out at the top, savouring the flavour. Suddenly I was tugged away from the creepy light emitted from the screen. None of the boys noticed, being to engrossed in the film to pay anything else much mind. I found myself in the kitchen a moment later, facing a cross-armed, frustrated Harry. He arched his eyebrow at me.

"You've really got to stop this, Louis. It's driving me fucking insane! I said I'm sorry," His nostrils flared in the most adorable way.

I widened my eyes comically, feigning the appearance of innocence.

"To what could you possibly be referring?" I asked, my expression morphing into one of intense lust as I brought the banana to my lips, seductively taking a bite while I let my eyes trail from Harry's face to his pyjama trousers. I swallowed the fruit and smirked at what I saw hidden there in the tight fabric. I stepped closer to him, getting up in his personal space.

"The bathroom's down the hall, ready for all problems and emergencies. I would help you, but this movie is quite interesting. Don't you reckon?" I said before drawing my index fingertip along the seam confining his prominent bulge. And with that I exited the kitchen feeling smug when I heard Harry's guttural mutter of "Shit..."

My smugness solely enhanced when the sound of the bathroom door closing hit my eardrums, reaching me where I sat perched upon the pillow on the floor.

The movie ended about twenty minutes later with Niall and Liam sleeping half on top of each other and Harry still locked in the bathroom. Zayn turned to me in the recliner, tired eyes already conveying what he would say next.

"I don't think we should watch another..."

"Agreed," I told him.

"Louis. You and Harry... I didn't say anything about it before but I'm just concerned for my mates and well... are you two... alright?"

I shifted slightly on the cushion and offered Zayn a strained smile.

"Just dandy," my statement sounded as strained as my smile felt.

Before Zayn could do any more prodding, Harry entered the room and reclaimed his previously vacated seat. He appeared more relaxed and serene than he had half an hour prior. I gave him my best look of bemusement.

"What in the world could have taken you so long?"

By the look on his face I could clearly see he knew that I knew what had taken place in that bathroom. It was a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance, much to my entertainment. Zayn looked puzzled but not enough to make him ask what had been exchanged between Harry and I.

With several pillows placed underneath me, to make my sleep the most comfortable, I settled in their softness, ready to doze off. Zayn had already given in to the drowsiness on his recliner and Harry was irritatedly trying to find a comfortable position against the armrest, half asleep all the while. I closed my eyes with an exhausted yet contented sigh as I let the darkness overpower me.

The next time I opened my eyes I knew instantly that it wasn't time to wake up yet, but the sudden pressure to my side had brought me from my slumber. I glanced down to said pressure and was startled to find Harry's head resting in the curve of my waist. His lower body was still on the couch cushion he had earlier been occupying. His long torso was sort of hovering over the floor behind me and his arm was draped over my thighs. I could see his body slipping and wasn't surprised when it slid down all together, joining me on the floor. I was about to wake him so he could reoccupy his original place but didn't have the heart to do so when I caught sight of his blissful expression. I sighed at myself before nuzzling my face against the fabric of the cushion, reentering my dream.

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