Chapter Nine - LarryAndHustin

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Louis' POV

I rubbed my eyes, wiping away the dry tear stains on my cheeks for about the third time since reading the note. I'd only read it once but in the past four hours I'd cried, stopped, cried, stopped, cried, and now I've just stopped again. I don't even know what to think about the note, so instead of thinking I've just been watching TV, not really paying attention, and then I randomly start crying again. I could hear quiet crying from inside the bathroom too, so I guess Harry's upset as well. He shouldn't be. I hate that he's sickened by who he is. There's nothing wrong with being gay. I've known since I was ten. Eleanor helped me by pretending to date me so that Harry wouldn't suspect anything. Eventually I just couldn't handle it anymore. He never seemed to like her, I had always thought it was because he didn't think anyone would be attracted to me since he hated me so much, but now I'm wondering if maybe he was jealous...

I can't take it anymore. He's not crying, I'm not crying. We're just both completely silent, no noise except for my heartbeat. There's thick tension in the air, but it's covered by our sadness and our concentration on anything and everything but breaking down again. I just...I just need to see him. Even if no one says anything. I need to know that he's okay, even if he's only temporarily okay. I walked back into the bedroom, getting underneath the covers of the bed.

Trying to think of a way to get him to come out, I took out my phone and started scrolling through my mentions on Twitter, following back a bunch of fans who were undoubtedly happier than me at the moment. Then I checked my DM's, following the names people asked me to follow.


That's it!

I opened up a new DM to Harry before sending it.

u dont have to say anything to me i wont say anything to you but you should at least have the comfort of not being alone. just please come into the bedroom?

What felt like days but was probably only a minute or so I got a response.

speak one word and im gone again

And not even a minute later the door opened, revealing a bloodshot looking Harry, holding pillows and a blanket. I wordlessly pat the space next to me on the bed and he slowly walked over to the bed, getting underneath the covers.

Did I actually just manage to get Harry to lay in the same bed as me?

Yeah, considering the fact that he's snuggling into me and his head is resting on my chest, I guess I did.

He silently moved closer to me, intertwining our legs and flipping over so that his face was buried into my chest. His arms wrapped around my neck and his curls tickling my nose. I wrapped my arms around his waist and closed my eyes, finally able to comfortably sleep.

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