"Hey Tre, " she said, while returning my hug.

I swear I felt eyes drilling into the back of my head. I glanced back and surely enough it was Wayne giving me the death glare. Everyone know this man wants this girl. They the only ones acting oblivious. Once he breaks up with Tracey after some time, I think he should pursue something with Zaria. Like the attraction is already there, he need to just admit to himself. Whether he sees it or not, he's gotten mad possessive over Zaria. Shaking my head, I just smirked at him and slid into the seat directly next to Candace.

Ms. King came in and we all got quiet. This year she was definitely one of my favorite teachers. While she demanded the attention of the class she did so naturally, and it made me really respect the time she dedicated to teaching.

After the class got over with, I caught up with Candace.

"What's up?" she said. The other girls already left.

"Let me take you out on a date." I said bluntly.

I'm not playing no games.

"You asked me that before and like I said.. I'm not into playing games." She said giving me a pointed look.

"I can respect that, " I began, "But I'm not tryna play games. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon so you can understand I ain't like these other dudes you used to fucking with."

"Mhmm. We'll see. "

"I already know what I want, I'm just waiting on you to quit frontin," I said while grabbing her waist, I analyzed her body and licked my lips. She looked shocked but with me she gon learn to expect the unexpected. Because I don't care where we are, if I'll I gotta prove my point, I will.

Deciding to mess with her, I played like I was gon kiss her. When I leaned in real close, I felt her breathing pattern change. As much as I wanted to kiss her I knew I had to stick to my guns and prove this point. So I just decided to lean in and kiss her cheek.

Next time them lips will be mines tho, both sets.

"Bye Candy." I said playfully, pulling away and walking outta class, leaving her speechless.

Tre -1 Candy-0


For the rest of the day everything went smooth, because Tracey disappeared. Wanye seemed on edge, but he apologized to Z sincerely. I know he meant it, but I see that she still has a wall put up around herself. It's understandable since she seems very insecure.

I know that she was anxious to see Mikeyla, but the girl wasn't even here today. I thank God,  she wasn't because things woulda got ugly. And I didn't want to have to pick Mikeyla's face up off the floor after Zaria beat her ass again. But hey at the end of the day for Mikeyla sake I hope she is at home recovering and learning how to mind her business.

Man I'm ready to get the fuck and head home. If I wasn't playing basketball I'd have early dismissal. But because I decided an athlete lifestyle, I gotta stay By the end of fifth period the last bell of the day rung. I had a lot on my mind needless t say, we had practice today for preseason and I was beyond ready.

My mind kept wondering back to Tracey suddenly disappearing she just got up and left. And after all the shit she caused this morning the last thing she would do is drop off the fact of the earth. Nah she would make everyone's life hell, especially Wayne. I say her walking this morning and when I tried to stop her she went off on me. Thus pissing me off for the rest of the day.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw her wandering off somewhere on my way to fifth period.

She be pushing boundaries. Yes your a girl, but I'm not Dewayne. I don't need to try to reason why with you. And I definitely don't go for that yelling back and forth. She better watch it because I am onto her dramatic ass.

The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora