It didn't take as long as I thought. Just a forty minute run. By the time I got there it was starting to get dark out. Stiles' jeep was out front and I ran to the door, pounding on it. "Guys. Guys let me inside." There was a clatter and the sounds of the locks unlocking and the door swung open. "Jaya! Where the hell have you been?!" Allison pulled me inside and hugged me as Stiles closed the doors and I sighed. "Erica. She must of had a plan to test me for being the kanima. She did the same thing as Lydia but it worked."

        "They're here." Allison and I looked out the window and I shivered. "I'm going to go to my room." Stiles nodded and went back to look out the window as I started up the stairs. I sighed and took my shoes off before opening the door. Opening the door was probably the mistake of the night. Jackson and Lydia were standing in my room, kissing. "I-" Jackson turned around quickly with his eyes widened and I shook my head turning around. 

      "Jayla." I left my room and went to Scott's room, closing the door and sitting in front of it. "Jayla, open the door." Leaning my head against the wall I shook my head. "Go away Jackson." He knocked on the door again and I sighed. "I'm not going away Jayla. It's not what it looked liked- I mean, yeah we kissed but- I- she was up set and I-" Quickly, I stood up and opened the door. "so you kissed her because she was upset? well guess what you got out of that Jackson." I didn't want to cry but I could feel my eyes filling up with tears.

      "No, no don't cry. Jayla please." I squeezed my eyes shut and wiped my face. "I'm not crying." He stepped forward and I took a step back. "Don't." He reached for my hands and held them tightly as I tried to pull them away. "Listen to me. Jay, listen. I'm sorry okay? It was a moment thing, and just- I'm sorry okay?" I bit my lip and looked down at our hands. "you kissed her Jackson." He nodded and let go of my hands, grabbing my face in his. "Yes, and I already feel horrible. Just, listen to me okay? I don't have feelings for her. Not like that. I like you a lot Jay." 

        "Saying and doing are two different things." His jaw clenched and he let his eyes flick over me. "Jayla please-" His voice cracked and I felt the area under my eyes start to hurt as my eyes started to tear up again. "Don't okay just don't." My eyes were on my feet and his hands still on my cheeks. "You have to believe me. Jayla, I love you." My throat went dry as I looked at him. "I-I- what?"

        He slid his thumb over my cheek and I sighed.

 "I-" He moved closer to me.
 "love-" his hand pushed hair our of my face as his eyes flicked over my face.
 "you." He pressed his lips to mine and pulled me against him with his hands on my cheeks.

       My hands grasped onto his and he pushed up against me. I pulled back and looked him over. "Jackson. I can't." I pulled myself out of his and left the room. Tears came down my cheeks as I went down the stairs, I was met with Isaac as I got to the bottom. "Jayla, get upstairs. Go get Lydia." I nodded and ran quickly up the stairs. 

       Lydia was in the hallway and I pushed her back. "No, Lydia," I had to think of something quickly. "Somebody's breaking in, go um, go hide. Scott's bathroom." She didn't question me and ran into the room. I followed her and heard the bathroom door click. The window in the room was open and my eyes widened. There was kanima venom on the windowsill. 

     "Stiles. Allison. I think it's here." I found a pencil and picked it up as I heard a growl coming up the stairs. Running the pencil through it I turned to the door and sure enough, Erica was there. "Hmm - this might make me sound like kind of a bitch, but I've always wondered what it feels like to steal someone's boyfriend. I bet it's a pretty sick rush of power. I think I might try it with Scott. You know what - I don't think it's gonna be that hard, because why would he be waiting around to steal 10 minutes with Allison, when he can have me anytime he wants." I threw the pencil at her and she caught it in her hand, venom first. "You didn't really think that would work, did you?" 

ANCHOR ° S. STILINSKIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें