"Chizuru, you have to eat something. You look thinner every day" Heisuke begged her while pushing the tray towards her. She didn't look up or blink, she just kept staring. Heisuke scrunched his eyebrows and slumped his shoulders, there was no convincing her to eat yet again. Souji watched him go back to the kitchen to clean up, he went into his room and did the same as he would always do. He would hug Chizuru from behind and not say a word to her, he'd stare up in the sky along with her being locked in his thoughts.

It's already been a month since Takeshi died in her arms. She blamed herself for pushing him away and not trying to understand him in the first place. Everyone has become very worried about her, she won't talk to anyone and her cheerful aura was no longer present. The change of mood in her affected the men around her, they can't concentrate during their sparring or patrols.

Sanousuke would browse shops more than walk around patrolling, just so he could find something that would cheer her up. Heisuke and Shinpachi practiced to cook everyday so they could feed her something edible even if she wouln't eat it. Even Saito would be off track which is very suprising, when he'd have spare time he would go sit by the door to keep her company.

A growl came out of Chizuru's belly, she and Souji laughed, he helped her up and dusted off the petals from her hair. "What would my Dango-Cutie like to eat?" he asked as he grabbed her hand.

"Hmm, some beef stew would be nice"

"Whatever my wife desires" he smiled.
He guided her to the best restaurant in town but Chizuru pulled his arm,"Ano, umm Souji? I don't want that beef stew" she told him. Souji cocked his eyebrow, not understanding how his pregnant wife would not want the best food in town. He chuckled and rolled his eyes,"Oooh if this is about the money-"

"I want Heisuke and Shinpachi's beef stew"

Souji's features softened, Chizuru was so great. She didn't care for luxuries as much as most women would. Besides, it's been a while since they've seen the rest of the Shinsengumi, it would be nice to hang out again.

He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows, "Oh? So you rather have other men cook for you than let me spoil you?". Chizuru looked at him annoyed, "Well I miss my friends unlike you do". Souji raised both brows in suprised and shaked his head while chuckling,"Damn, I keep forgetting you have hormones too". They made their way to the Shinsengumi Headquarters.

Saito leaned back against the door frame, he felt a little tug on his sleeve, he turned to see Chizuru holding his sleeve. "Yukimura?" he asked her. Souji was out patrolling with the rest, so he couldn't be with her today.
She looked up at him, "S-Saito-san" she cried. There was no color on her face, her bone structure was more noticeable and her small hands looked like painted bones. Chizuru fainted on the floor, Saito jumped up to help her, "Yukimura!". He picked her up and ran to the meeting room,"Hijikata-san, Kondou-san" he breathed out. Both generals saw the passed out girl in his arms, "Get the doctor and Yamazaki now" Hijikata ordered. Saito lowered her on the floor and ran off to get help, Hijikata picked her up to take her to the other room. Kondou brought towels and water to cool her off, "What's happen to you Yukimura?".
Yamazaki and the doctor ran inside, the examined her and he felt her forehead. "She has a very high fever" he informed them. The generals were not surehow to answer him, if he found out she was not taking even a bite of her food he would think they have her starving to death. Saito spoke for them,"She has not been eating for the past month. Yukimura has been severly depressed". The doctor and Yamazaki stared at him then at Chizuru, she was really weak and frail. "In the meantime keep her cool. When she wakes up you will force her to eat" the doctor ordered, Yamazaki stayed beside Chizuru as he left. The room got quiet after, with only her breathing being heard.
Word of Chizuru's fever got around pretty fast, as usual, Souji was the only one to find out last. The captains were all huddled in the room she was in, only to be half awake. Heisuke started to cry silently, "What if Chizuru dies?" he whimpered. Shinpachi smacked him on the head before leaning on his shoulder,he was showing tears as well.
"C'mon guys, don't bring that kind of mood here" Sanouske said as he held Chizuru's hand.

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