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Isabella's POV

The guard lead the way. I looked back at my dad. I mouth
"I love you."
Dad nods.
"I love you too!" He calls.
I nod then look forward.
"You'll be alright kid, there's a window to guard you and the person your gonna talk to. Plus I'll be right there." He said.
I smiled at him.
"Thank you." I said.
He nods.

We get to the box window thing. I was so nervous, I was shacking. I sighed.
"You'll be alright." The guard said.
I nod again. Then I heard
"Bring sex offender, 9D68!" Someone yells.
I bit my bottom lip. I put my hands on the table. I wish my dad was here.

Then I saw Clayton. I started shacking a bit more. His eyes went wide. He sits down. I can tell he couldn't believe it was me. But it is. I grab the phone. Then he quietly grab the phone.
"B..Bella?" He stuttered.
I nod.
"Did you get any of my letters?"
What letters?
"What letters?" I ask.
"Your folks probably throw 'em away. Happy birthday."
He whispers happy birthday. Like it would get him beat. I felt my eyes water.
"How long are you gonna be here?" I ask.
"In tell I'm 20."
If he's 17 now. And I'm 14....how old would I be in 20. That's three more years so I would be I would be 17. I nod.
"I heard your Norman Reedus kid?"
"I am. And I'm proud of it."
He nods. Clayton dirty blonde hair got longer. But long looks good on him. Short really didn't. I sighed.
"Why are you here?" He ask.
"Why can't I? I'm here so you can't change that."
He chuckles a bit.
"Still stubborn as always Isabella."
"You know my name, Clayton." I growl.
"Well what?"
"I'm sorry." He says.
I nod.
"I know your not gonna forgive me. But I understand why."
I nod again. He's right. I might not ever forgive him. I probably won't ever try.
"Why did you rape me?" I ask Clayton.
"I liked you. A lot. A lot more then I should. I know I'm older but then that didn't matter back then. Your brother was my best friend. Liking his little sister, who was like 7 or 6 younger. What if you were in his shoe's?"
"Umm I would feel weird. I guess. Did you tell Alex?"
He shacks his head 'no.'
"Alex...probably would have beat me up."
He laughs a bit and so do I.
"Maybe." I chuckle.
"Its been a long time. I wish...Alex never got in that car crash, me...never doing that to you. I wish it was just us three again." Clayton sighs.
I nod. A tear slip down my face. I sighed.
"How's it been since....everything?" He ask.
"Its been okay. You?"
He shrugs.
"Iffy. Jail sucks. PS don't every get in trouble. Worse place ever!"
I chuckle.
"How do you still have your dumb sense of humor?"
He smirks and shrugs. I rolled my eyes.
"Have no clue. But it kinda helps me here. Did you know guys get beat up so bad that they almost die?"
"Wow. That's a good thing to know."
He rolls his eyes.
"My dad....he was so over protective."
"My parents... They don't even talk to me. They'll never forgive me."
I nod in understanding.
"How are the kids?" Clayton ask.

No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now