3-getting to know each other better

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Isabella's POV

It's 6:00pm. Right on the tot. I finish packing. Me and Faith are just getting back from the lake. It was a beautiful day out today.
"I don't want you to leave." Faith sigh.
"I know. I don't want to go either." I sigh too.
We walk in the door. I heard Jacob voice.
"Bella!" I heard Jacob cheered.
He ran to me. He jump in my arms. He's such a little cutie. Jacob is 6. I spun him around. He's laughing his butt off. I am too. I hear Faith giggling. I put him and but then he frowns.
"What's wrong buddy?" I ask him.
"Your leaving." He said.
"I'll be back though." I smiled.
"Promise?" He ask.
"Yes. I promise." I smiled.
Jacob smiled back. We walk in the living room to see everyone talking. I looked at Faith, she looked like she wanted to cry. I wanted to cry but I can't.
"We got your stuff in the car already." Beth smiled.
I just nod. I couldn't help it. I started to cry. Faith, Mark, Carly and Jacob all walked up to me and hugged me.
"Bear hug!" Jacob yelled.
We all laughed. That made me kinda fell better but I'll miss him.
"We should go Bella, it's 6:10pm." Beth said.
I nod. I gave everyone one last hug. I told Faith I'll be back.
"You won't get rid of me that easy Reedus." Faith joked.
"Yeah I can't. I'll FaceTime you when I get there." I smiled.
"Did I just hear Faith called you Reedus?" Beth laughed little.
"Yup! You heard right." Faith said.
"How do you feel about changing your last name then?" Beth ask.
"Yeah, it'll be better if I do." I said.
"Good, your father would like that. We'll meet you in the car. 5 more minutes." Beth said then walk away.
"Isabella Carson Reedus? Does that sound good?" I ask Faith.
"I still can't believe that your middle name is Carson. That's a boys name." Faith smirked.
"Shut up! Well I like it...so yeah." I smirked back.
"I'm gonna miss you." Faith said.
"Me too."
"Let's FaceTime ever day!?"
"Yeah Faith that sounds good. Then you could tell me how the new girl is."
"I hope we'll be friends but you and me will always be best friends."
"I know. Thanks Faith."
"Your welcome."
I hugged Faith. She hugged me back. We both had a few tears in our eyes.
"I'll see ye soon." Faith smiled.
"Yeah...I'll see ya."
"Remember get Andrews number for me." She smirked.
"Nah but I'll do something special for your birthday." I smirked.
"Ooh tell me!"
"Nope. You'll see in 2 mouths."
"Bella let's go!" Beth yelled for me.
"I should go." I sigh.
"Yeah." Faith said.
I hugged her one last time. I walk to the car. My dad open the door for me. I hoped in. I was in the middle of them. We started driving, I looked behind me. Everyone waving at me. I waved back.

We're at the airport. Now we're on the plan. I'm way far in. Dad's in the middle. Beth sat somewhere else. She said she wanted us to talk not with her in it. Now I'm looking out the window. Bored. Missing everyone.
"So I heard." My dad smirked.
I looked at him. I gave him a funny look.
"Huh?" I ask.
"I heard that my own daughter used to have a crush on me. Weird."
"Shut up, I didn't know. If I knew I would have ever thought that way."
"Why does your friend want Andrew number? That's odd."
"Yeah it is. I told I will never ask him for his number. But I want to go something."
"Like what?"
"Her birthday coming up and I want her to meet him."
"We can do that. Andrew loves meeting his fans."
"Great." I smiled.
We sat in silence for a long moment in tell I broke it.
"Norman...oh I mean dad!?"
He laughed.
"It's okay Isabella, I know you need to get used to calling me dad. Yeah?"
"I don't like being called Isabella." I groaned.
"I know."
I rolled my eyes.
"Why did my mother give me away? Why didn't she tell you?"
"I wanted to start a family with your mom but she didn't want kids. I kinda did. But when she found out that I had a son. She freaked. Then we had a fight. She wanted me to pick her or Mingus. I picked my son. She got piss then left. I never saw her again."
"How did you meet her?"
"She was a old friend from high school. We meet up. Then that was it."
"Did you like her a lot?"
"Not more then my son. Bella if I knew she was pregnant I would have took you. I'm so sorry."
"It's fine."
We talked about my past. How I was. My dad really cool. Maybe I should just live with him.
"Hey dad?"
"What's up kiddo?"
"Beth said you freaked out about me not living with you at first."
"Yeah. I want you to live with me. But your room not done yet. I started on it when Beth told me about you."
"How do you know what I like?" I ask.
"Beth told me of course." Dad said in a duh tone.
I rolled my eyes.
"Umm I don't want to stay with Beth." I whispered.
"You don't?"
"Want to stay with me?"
"Well where else would I go?" I said in a duh tone.
He rolled his eyes.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"2 am." He answered.
"Ugh! I'm tired."
"Go to sleep. We won't be home by 8 am."
"K night d...dad."
"Night sweetheart."
I put my head on my dad's shoulder. Because I don't want to sleep on the wall.

Norman's POV

Ha! I was right! I won the bet!!!! I look around for Beth. I see her.
"Beth!" I called for her.
She turn around then walk to my seat. She sat down.
"So what happen?" She ask.
"She wants to stay with me." I smirked.
"Shut up? Your lying."
"Nope. Now where's my 5 bucks?"
She rolled her eyes. Then handed me the 5 bucks.
"Asshole." She mumbled.
"Ouch? I'm hurt." I fake pout.
"Whatever. I'm glad you two are good. Plus I was hoping she would stay with you. I don't have a room for her yet."
"Yeah I gotta at least get her a room. I would like for her to have a tool at my house. I want her to visit me too."
I nod.
"I'm so happy I have her back." I smiled at Isabella.
"I'm happy for you. I just hope Mingus will like her. we know how is."
"Yeah but I'll talk to him."
"Will they go to the same school?"
"Yeah. That'd be better. For both of them."
She nods.
"Can I sit here for the rest of the time? The guy who I sit with is snoring loud." Beth ask.
"Yeah of course."
"Good I'm tired."
She got comfy. Then feel right to sleep. Well we did all have a long day.

No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now