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Norman's POV

"Dad, I need to talk to you first." She whimpers.
"I think you need to see a nurse first."
She shacks her head 'no.'
"Did Mingus tell you?"
I slowly nod. She scoffed and turn her back on me. I look at her confused.
"Call the damn nurse then." Bella mumbles.
"Talk to me first."
She sighs.
"I had an older brother name Alex. He was my best friend. He died from a car crash at age 17. That's why I did that stuff. But when I died kinda. I saw him....dad I saw him. It felt so good to see him. I...I..miss him so much. He convince me to go back. Well and I heard what you said."
I smiled. I stroked her face.
"Tell me more." I said.
"I didn't want to come back....I hated life as it is."
That hurt. Yout own daughter telling you she would rather die then live? How would you take it? A few tears slip down my face. "I can make it better. Bella...don't do this to me..." I whisper.
"How? How can you make my life better dad?" She cried.
"Kelly will come and help you. Your birthday coming up. Bella...I can make it better. I promise "
She just nods. Her back is still turn. She not facing me. Alex.....what was he like? I want to know more. So much more. I can tell they have a very strong bond. Maybe even stronger then Mingus and Bellas bond. Maybe I could ask. Later though.

Isabella POV

I still have my back is still turn. I can't face my dad. God I miss Alex so much.
"Bella....don't tell Mingus I said this but I think Mingus and Faith are like dating." Dad says.
I face him. Wow...sure I knew he had a crush on her but I never knew my best friend and my brother would be dating. I shrug then nod.
"Dad....it doesn't matter. Wow. Its not like there gonna get married and have kids."
Dad chuckled.
"True, true. I love you isabella."
I rolled my eyes.
"Love you too father." I smirked.
He smiles at me. He moves my face out of my face. He's stroking my hair.
"When am I coming home?" I ask.
"Umm I think tomorrow."
I nod. Good now I don't have to go back to that mentel hospital. But Miles. My best friend. I can't leave him.....
"Dad, I can't leave Miles." I said.
"You know. You two could always visit. Since he's not straight."
Dad chuckles while he says "not straight." I roll my eyes. But then I got what he meant.
"Dad! So if he wasn't straight. I couldn't see him!?" I laughed.
He shrugs playfully. Dork.
"Well...maybe? Bella he is a boy. I don't want..." Dad says but he trails off.
"Sex. Is that it? Eww dad. I'm only 13."
We laugh. My dad....he's such a dork.
"Speaking of Miles. He's here and wants to see you." Dad smiled.
I grinned.
"I want to see him..."
He nods then walks out to go get Miles. I honestly think Miles is more for a best friend then Faith or Rose. I sat up. I told Miles about Alex. I told him everything 'bout Alex. I have really talk to Faith about him. I haven't told Rose about Alex either. Like I said I'm not an open book. A few minutes later my dad and Miles came in. Miles smiled at me. I smiled back. He jump on the bed with me. I looked at my dad. I can tell he didn't like it but he's gay so what he gonna do? Plus we're only 13.
"Bye dad." I smirked.
He rolls his eyes. Then leaves. I look at Miles.
"Your dad thought I liked you." Miles said.
I nod.
"Yeah...but I told him. Is that OK?"
"Yeah. Doesn't matter. But here I got your phone. You got like a thousand text message."
I give him a puzzled look. I shrug them look at the text messages. Some from Faith, Rose, Carson but most of 'em are from Jackson. Why is he texting me?

Jackson: hey I miss you,how have you been?

Jackson: its been a few days, can we talk?

Jackson: are you mad at me?

There's a lot of them.
"Who's Jackson?" Miles ask.
"Remember how I went to New Jersey with my dad?"
He nods.
"Well I meet a boy there. I didn't like him. Always thought he was to sweet. But he help me."
Miles gave me a puzzled look. Like what?
"Help you?"
"I was almost raped. That was like he's gang so he help me."
He nods in understanding. Maybe I should text him back.

Me: hey Jackson, sorry I haven't text you back. My dad took away my phone for a couple of days.

Miles is reading my text. He shacks his head.
"Why are you lying?" He ask.
"I dont want to look like a crazy girl." I mumbled.
"If he really likes you or really wants to be your friend. He would understand."
Miles is a very wise guy. Even for 13. I nod. We talk about the visiting thing. But then out of the blue someone calling me. Its...Jackson. I look at Miles with an in sure look. He nods.
"Hello?" I ask.
I out him on speaker so Miles could hear.
"Bella!? Jeez its been awhile. How have you been?"
I look at Miles. He's look says "just tell the truth. Don't lie." I nod.
"Well after I left New Jersey. My dad said I was sick. So I went to a mental hospital. I got shoot by going out with my brother. I almost died."
There was a died silence. He just might hate me but....
"Where are you?" He ask.
I was shocked by his answer.
"Are you in New York? If you are I could drive to your house. I might be a couple miles away."
So he wasn't lying.
"You moved with your dad already?" I ask.
"Yeah. But where are you?"
"I'm in Salt Lake City." I answer.
"OK, I'll be there in a couple of hours. I'll text you or call you when I get close."
"OK sounds good."
"Great. I love you."
My eyes sent wide with shocked. So did Miles. I think Jackson realize what he said. Oh No....

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No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now