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Isabella's POV
"Yet your fucking hands off her!!" Someone yelled.
I open my eyes. I was hoping it was my dad but its not. Its someone else.
"Whoa! Its Jackson!" Guy 1 said.
Oh my god! Thank God!!! But when I looked at Jackson he looked pissed. He walked up to me and the other two guys. He grabs me but the other guys don't let go.
"Nah man, she ours." Guy 2 said.
"Damn your just like your brother." Guy 1 said.
Tears rolling down my tears. I don't think I ever been thus scared in my life.
"She's my age. So gimme her." Jackson growled.
"Is she your girly friend?" Guy 2 smirked.
Jackson nods.
"Yeah, remember what we said? That if the girls are our girlfriends we don't touch them." Jackson told them.
They nod and sighed then let me go. I sighed in relief. Jackson ran up to me and hugged me tight. He lead me to a car, put me in the back seat. Jackson sat in front and Jason sat in the driver seat. Then we started driving.
"I can't believe you just stood there and watched." Jackson said. "I try but they wouldn't listen." Jason said.
Jackson sighed. I sat there, shocked at what just happen. Are they in a raping gang?
"Are you okay Isabella?" Jason ask.
I shrug. I look out the window. I don't even want to talk to them. I groan cause its late and I'm tired. I yawn.
"Look I'm sorry Bella. Why were you out so late?" Jackson ask.
God he's a pain in the ass and he ask to many damn questions.
"Because I wanted to. I needed fresh air." I muttered.
Jackson shacks his head. What's his damn problem? Grrr. We drove to some house. Its kinda a big house. Its so cool. Who's house is this?

Jason and Jackson both got out. I didn't get out at first. But then I got out. I looked around. Jackson grabs my arm. Harshly. I glare at him. But then push him. He looks at me. I turn my back on him then start walking away. He steps in front of me.
"Bella please come in with me? I have to ask you something." He says.
"Then don't grab my fucking arms hard then." I growl.
He nods. We walk in then went to his room. I can tell its his room. I look around. It's really big, nice.
"I like your room." I mumbled.
"Thanks." He smiled.
I looked at the time. Its 2 am. I groan then yawn again.
"Let's talk to tomorrow. Your clearly tired." Jacksons says.
I nod. But where am I sleeping at?
"Where am I sleeping?" I ask.
"My bed."
I shack my head no. I can't have his bed. This is his house.
"Your probably thinking. 'No this is his house. Blah blah.' Yeah but I want to." He says.
I shrug. He sighs. But then smirks.
"Your so stubborn." He says.
"I get that a lot." I say.
"Well c'mon. Lets go to sleep." He whispers.
A shiver goes up and down my spin. I shack my head then sigh. He lays down. He's waiting for me. I lay down next him. We're both looking up at the wall. I turn to my side. He pulls me close.
"Don't." I warn.
He nods. Then turns too. I sigh in relief. A few minutes later we passed out.

The next day, Isabella's POV

I wake up to the sun. I groan. I grab my phone to see 16 miss calls and a few texts. Mostly from my dad. I rolled my eyes. It's 12:58 in the afternoon. I look at Jackson. He's still asleep. I shack him.
"Bella stop." He groans.
"Come on Jackson. Its 1." I say.
He groans then gets up. He glares at me. I smirk but then get serious.
"I need to get back." I said.
"We still need to talk." He says.
"Bout what?"
"Why were you with them?"
"I wasn't. They came to me. I was just taking a walk."
He nods. He keeps staring at me. I don't look at him.
"What happen to you? Did they hurt you? Why do you have bruises?" Jackson ask.
"Look I can't say. But it was your so called 'friends' who did this." I said.
His fist clinched. He didn't look haply but that's not my problem. My phone buzzes. Its from Mingus.

Mingus: where are you!?!!?
Me: still at Jackson house
Mingus: ok, well dad is worried sick he thinks your dead or something. You need to call him or text him or just go back to the hotel
Me: k I'll tell him I need to go. Did you tell dad what happen?
Mingus: yes he start crying, he really upset
Me: k the Ming I'll text or cal you what happens
Mingus: kk

I sighed. I need to go back to the hotel or my dad will really loss it.
"I really need to go. My dad freaking out." I said.
He nods. He grabs my hand. I have a puzzled look on my face but he doesnt see it. We walk down stairs to see someone cooking.
"Hey mom. Hey Jason." Jackson said.
Everyone said their good morning to Jackson but they gave him a funny look because of me. I wonder where his dad is. Oh yeah. His and his dad aren't together any more.
"Who's this Jackson?" His mom ask.
"This is...my friend, Bella." Jackson says.
She nods and smiles.
"Hi Bella, I'm Carly." She smiles.
I nod and smiled.
"Mom, Bella needs a ride back to her?" He said.
He gives me a funny look like what should I say?
"The hotel." I said.
Now Carly giving me a funny look.
"Why do you live in a hotel?" She ask.
"I don't I'm just staying here for a few more days." I said.
"Oh where do you live?"
"New York."
She nods.
"Where your mom and dad?"
"I just live with my dad."
"Who's your dad?"
"Norman Reedus."
She smiles.
"Ah. I know him, your father is very kind."
How does she know him? It doesnt matter any ways. I nod.
"I'll drive you there. Woud you like something to eat first?" She ask.
"No im good." I said.
She nice. I'm hapot she wasn't asked about my bruise or anything.

We're in the car. Jackson sitting in front. I'm sitting in back.
"Um Bella?" Carly ask.
"Yes?" I ask.
"What happen? To your face?"
"I was jump."
"Oh that's sad to hear."
I shrug then nod.

We get to the hotel. I see cop cars. Damn it dad. I groan and we got out of the car. I see my dad crying on the couch, answering that cops is questions. I didn't think. I just ran. I ran to my dad. I jump in his arms.

Norman's POV

Someone jump in my arms. I lookrd and saw Isabella. I started crying harder. Thank god she back. I looked at the cops. They smiled. Bella let go. She smiled and I smiled back at her. But I saw she had a black eye and a mess up lip. But then I remember I did that to her.
"Well I'm happy to see that your daughter back, Mr. Reedus. Isabella where did you go?" Officer Stefan ask.
"I went to a friends." Bella simply said.
"Did you get to a fight or something?" Officer Deen ask.
"Yeah...i got jumped."
"Do you remember there faces?" Stefan ask.
Bella shacks her head no. But she lying. I keep my head down. They ask her a few more questions then they leave. Bella walks up to a boy and a woman. That's the boy I saw her with the other day. That woman looks so familiar. But I can't put my finger on it.
"Dad come here!" Bella called.
I nod then walked over to her. The woman smiles at me.
"Hey Norman!" The woman says.
Oh I know her!! Its uh...carly!
"Hey Carly." I said.
Carly. Great this crazy bitch again. I give her a fake smile. I walk up to my daughter and stand by her.
"Um dad, This is Jackson and his mom Carly." Bella said.
I nod.
"Um sir? If you don't mind can I please talk to Bella? Its very important." Jackson says.
"Uh yeah go head." I said.
Bella glares at him. But then walks to the hotel room with him. Once I saw them gone, I glared at her.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I grolwed.
She smirks.

I know sucky chapter sorry! Next one gonna be better

No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now