17-the truth

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A week before Mingus POV

I can't wait to see Bella and dad. Beth being a total bitch to me. But what's new?

I hear the door opening, I run to it. I saw just dad? Where's Bella?
"Hey dad! Where's Bella?" I ask.
"Ming, I think we should talk." Dad sighs.
Did something else happening in New Jersey? That Bella didn't tell me about? We sit on the couch. Dad sighs again.
"Mingus. We put Bella in a hospital tip of place. So she could get better."
"What!? Did she get hurt?!? Where is she!??" I ask.
"No she not hurt. But she hurting her self. I can't lose her. She losing it."
My eyes went wide. I felt like I wanted to cry, scream, everything. Im so mad at the world. Why!??
"Ming I'm sorry. We could see her next week if you like?"
I nod. He trys to hug me but I storm to my room. I slammed the door and jumped on my bed? How is she losing it? Why is she cutting again?

Norman's POV

I remember seeing Bella's face before I left her there. She looked like she was ready to kill someone. I sighed. I heard the door open.
"Norman baby!! I'm home! Where are you?!?" Beth yells.
What the hell? I walk to her. She has a beer bottle in her hand and a smoke in her other. I smell her.
She smells like weed and beer.
"Oh baby? Did you miss me?" Beth ask.
What's happing to her? First Bella and now Beth?! Beth comes close to me. I groan and guide her to my room.

Once I got her there. I laid her down.
"Norm, I got to tell you something and ask you something." She slurred.
I nod.
"Who's Carly? She called me yesterday."
I sighed. I thought I wouldn't have to talk about that dumb bitch anymore.
"I was gonna marry her. Me and her were great. But then she started flirting with Mingus. Mingus was probably 10 or 12. I startes to notice. Then she touch him in a wrong way. I flip out. I couldn't believe she would do that. I wanted to kill her for doing that but I knew I couldn't so I told her to leave or I'll call the cops. She left so I told her that if i ever see her il have someone beat her ass." Explained.
Beth looked shocked.
"Wow." Was all Beth could say.
I nod. If someone told me that too. I would be saying the same thing.
"What did you need to tell me?" I asked.
"You know when I told you Bella's your daughter. And I said "my parents told me not so long ago." Well I lied. I knew that Bella was your daughter since I need you. And did you know me and Maddie used to be best friends!? But she told me I had to close you or her. So I choosed you Norm. I knew we could have kids and get married and do all that bullshit. Oh and that if I brought Bella to you, I knew we would be a lot closer. Then I could get you."
Is this some kind of sick joke? It has to be a lie right?
"Go to sleep. I'll check on you later." I said.
I sighed. She groans then goes to sleep. I go to the living room. Then think about Bella. I start sobbing. Is Beth lying? Why is Bella doing this to her else? Why are Mingus and Bella so close but not me and Mingus?

Now, Norman's POV

I can't wait to see Bella. Its been a whole week since I seen her. I hope she OK and getting better. Oh and also found out what Beth says is all true. So now me and her been fighting a lot now. I don't like fighting with her but...i don't think I should be with her anymore.

We're in Slat Lake City. (Thats where Bella is.) I know Mingus is gonna be very exited to see her.

"Hi, can I see Isabella Carson Reedus?" I asked.
"Oh of course. Just sign in and I'll show you her room." The nurse smiles.
I nod then sign in. She shows us to Bella's room. We saw her talking to a boy. Bella and they boy were talking. They seem pretty close. Why does Bella always pick boys for friends? I groan.
"Miles will you please give Isabella time with her family?" The nurse ask.
He nods. But before he leaves, he whispers something to Bella the leaves. I felt like my blood boiling. Like I'm a ticking time boom.

No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now