12-the asshole

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Isabella's POV

I blush. A lot. Wait?!? What the hell I'm I doing? I can't like him. I'm only here for 4 days. I take my stuff. I put it in my chest. Where the spot at. Then start walking away.
"Wait!" He calls.
He grabs my arm. I glared at him.
"What?" I ask.
"Let me get you a new dress or something." He offers.
"I'll be fine." I said.
I sighed.
"Fine." I muttered.
He smiles. We start walking. I didn't want to talk to him, I just wanted to get a dress or my outfit then leave. I should all him 'The Asshole.' Yeah that should be his name.
"What's your name? I'm Jackson."
"Bella." I mumbled.
"Where are you from? cause I never seen you around here."
I don't want to start a conversion. But I guess I have to.
"New York."
"Can I say something?"
"My mom and dad don't talk or see each other anymore. My mom wants to stay here. My dad wants to go to New York. Plus he's gonna be in a movie there. But don't worry I'm not a stalker."
Why is he telling me his life story? He doesn't even know me. But it is sad for is parents. But the stalker thing was kinda funny.
"Sad for your parents. But New York is a great place. But New Jersey is a beautiful place." I said.
"It is. But what about you? Where's your mom and dad?" He ask.
"I live with my dad. My mom? She somewhere."
"That's sad. Who's your dad?"
"Norman Reedus."
His eyes go wide.
"No way!!?!" He said.
I rolled my eyes. But I smiled. No!!! I can't smile. Damn it!!!!
"Yes way." I smirked.
"That's so cool. I thought he only had a son?"
"Nope. He has me too. Me and my brother are really close. He's the best."
He smiles.
"What's up with the smile?" I ask.
"Your a badass." He says still smiling.
I roll my eyes. Then I realize, his just saying that because Norman Reedus is my dad. I shack my head. I don't say anything.

We get to a store call '21 Forever.' What the hell? I never even heard of this place. We get in.
"I think you should get an outfit." He says.
I just nod. I looked around and I think I found an outfit. It's a Hollywood tree shirt, jean shorts.

Then out of the blue, Jackson/ The Asshole went somewhere. I shack my head. Then he comes back.
"Here." He says.
He hands me a black pair of shoes and a hat that says 'Bad Hair Day.' I give him a puzzled look.
"Is my hair that bad?" I ask.
He chuckles.
"No, I thought it would look good with your outfit."
I nod. I walk to the dressing room. I put it on. Then walk out. His eyes go wide. He smiles. I blush. What's going on with me? I just broke up with Chandler. I need time to be sad and mad. I think. Is that what normal girls do?
"That outfit looks great. On you of course." He chuckles.
I blush even more.
"You want this one? Or look more?" He ask.
"I want this one." I said.
He nods. I walk back to the dressing room but he stop me.
"C'mon I'll just pay for it while your wearing it." He smiled.
I nod.
We pay for it. He takes my dress and throw it away, we walk out of the store. I feel hungry. But I don't want him to pay for my food.
"Are you hungry?" He ask.
"Yeah...but I'll pay this time." I said.
"No. I'll pay."
"Why are you always paying?" I ask.
"Because I'm a guy. Guys always pay for the girls." He blushes.
"C'mon let me pay!!" I said.
"Nope, now let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Jackson says.
I roll my eyes. We get to a burger place. Jackson says it's like the 2 best burger place. Well to him it is.

Norman's POV

We're done with the shoot. Now me, Andy and Steven are walking around town. The girls went to go get there dresses for the party. We got our suits for the party. As we're walking Andy and Steven look shocked. I look at them weird.
"Guys?" I ask.
"Is that Bella?" Andy ask.
"Guys!? Where are you guys looking at?!" I ask.
They both pointed. I saw Bella walking out with a boy. He's holding boy both of there food. They sit down. He's smiling at her. She wearing something new. I didn't pack that.
"It is." I said.
"Wow, Bella found a boy less then a day?! She good." Steven said.
I growled.
"Norman, just let her be. She doesn't even look like she having a good time." Andy said.
He's right. Bella doesn't look like she having a good time.
"Maybe we should get something to eat." I said.
"Norman. Don't crash her little date." Steven smirked.
"We're not. I'm gonna spy on her." I smirked.
We sneaked around them. So we could hear and see them. But they can't see us.
"So?" She ask.
"So...why are you in New Jersey?" He ask.
"Why did you mess up my dress? Why are you being so nice? I can buy my own stuff." Bella growls.
"Yeah Bella is not having a good time." Andy whispers.
Me and Steven both nod.
"Sorry, I was just curious." He says.
Bella sighs.
"No I'm sorry. Im just having a shitty day. That's all." Bella says.
"If you don't mind, can I know?" He ask.
"Me and my boyfriend broke up. This girl name Beth is was just like an older sister to me, she sleeping with my dad. Lots of things. There's a whole list." Bella told him.
"Your sleeping with Beth?!?" Andy and Steven said.
I just nod.
"Oh that must be hard." He said.
"It is."
He looks at her funny.
"What?" She ask.
"Umm there's cuts on your right wrist?" He ask.
Bella looks shocked.
"I gotta go." Bella says as she getting up.
Bella starting to walk away. But he grabs her by her waist. They look at each other. Tears are storming down Bella's face. He moves her face out of her face. He pulls her in his chest. I feel like getting up and running to her. But...
"Norman let her go. You should have known someone was gonna ask Bella that." Andrew said.
I nod. He's right. I should have known. They sit back down. Bella wiping her tears. She gives him a weak smile.
"So ho-" he said but Bella cut him off.
"I should go...my dad might be worried." Bella said.
He nods. Bella gets up and starts walking away. But he stops her.
"Can have your phone number?" He ask.
She nods, they both gave each other's numbers. Bella walks away. The guy sighs. Then walk somewhere else.
"Wow that was..." Andrew said but he tailed off.
"Maybe I shouldn't go to the party." I said.
"Maybe." Steven said.
"Man, Bella would want you to have a good time. She wants her self to have a good time too." Andy said.
"I gotta talk to her first." I said.
"She'll be piss that we were spying on her." Steven said.
"Yeah. Hey I'll see y'all at the party in a half hour." I said.
"See ya!" They both said.

I know Bella is going to be piss that we were spying on her but I didn't know that was gonna happen.

No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now