Chapter 49: Stepping Stones

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The crackling sound of the stepped-over autumn leaves on the ground started me.

I had been just gazing at the rain falling from the dark sky for the last few minutes, that I actually did not notice a few men step before me until now.

My eyes snapped at them with fear, and I backed a step away.


"Charlotte Thorne."

They all had dark, black sunglasses, and I felt the rain wet my hair slightly.

Well, pretty much the sunny day big guy, isn't it?

I shivered as one of them approached me.

"Wh-Where's Harveston? I-I want to see Katherine!" I shivered, and my throat went dry.

The men neared me more, and as I turned to run away, an imaginary image of a crying Katy flashed to my mind.

I stopped. Damn!

The man held my wrist from behind.

I quickly tried to shake it.

"Okay! I'll go to where I-I'm supposed to! Just don't touch m─" my tears started falling, as I felt him press a wet towel over my mouth and nose to silence me.

Just then I heard the rest chuckle mercilessly, and I couldn't see a thing anymore.


I felt my heavy body being tossed to the hard ground carelessly, like people toss old rags, and useless clothes.

I hit the ground with a 'thud', and I groaned in pain, as I slowly tried forcing my eyes open.

"Ughh..." I whined, and tried shifting, ad my eyes slowly started to adjust.
It was dark.

I almost couldn't see.

The smell of disgusting rot, and mold almost made me puke, and it was cold.

Yes. So cold that my whole body was shivering insanely.

I forced my body in a sitting position, and for the first time, took my surroundings in.


Too dark.

The room ─possibly abandoned place I was in was so dark I almost couldn't make out all its features.

The ground was pure cement, nothing like ceramic floor whatsoever.

The walls didn't even have paint.

The sound of water drops dripping from the walls echoed painfully.

It was quite a cold place, the sound of howling wind, and the feeling of it caress my skin made me quite sure it had no windows.

I could hear the loud, uneven breathing of someone somewhere from the far wall before me.

It resembled the sound of someone breathing into a tube like those in hospitals.

It was panting. Painful and desperate panting.

I focused on that person, focused so hard, and finally made out the features.

Good God in the heavens.

I have no idea about the way my body held itself together, and moved.

Like a cheetah marching towards its prey.

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