Chapter 36: Warning

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I walked behind my master silently, as he opened the door to his office, and entered.

It seemed his silence was contagious, for it was transferred into me, and I was not muttering a letter.

He headed towards his royal chair, and sat there, high and almighty.

He did not even bother to glance at me; rather, he simply examined some documents before him silently and attentively.

I stood still, too nervous to sit or move.

Some minutes passed without any of us taking any action. It was usually I who opened her mouth to comment, but now, seeing he was angry at me for what I did to his very dear business partner, I actually managed to hold my tongue.

"Well, Miss Secretary?"

It was when I heard his imperial voice that I noticed the cold shivers running through my skin. I looked up.

"Excuse me?" I asked, for I wasn't focusing on what he said.

He eyed the still existing juice can in my hand.

"Throw it." he motioned with his eyes alone towards the trash bin, and my legs obeyed him alone.

I threw it, and stood still before the trash bin for some moments, too scared to turn around and hear what he might have to say.

"Anything interesting in there?" his authoritative, almost ironic voice forced me to turn and face him.

I shook my head.

"I-It's nothing, sir." I came closer to his desk, and sat on a guest chair.

I looked into him, and surprisingly enough, I found him looking back into me.

His eyes bore too deep they almost touched my core, as they caressed the deepness of my entity, and awakened the butterflies present in my stomach.

I took a breath, and held it back.

Wh-What's with him?! Why is he looking at me like-like that?! With eyes deeper than the ocean, and an expressionless handsome face!

It's really uncomfortable!

Oh come on Charlotte, it's not that bad. The little voice at the back of my head stated.

Oh, it is! I'm not comfortable! I shot back.

Oh, is that so?! Then, why are you not commenting on that?! Aren't you one who always voices out her thoughts without hesitation? My inner voice scolded.

I blushed.

I can't. I don't know why, but I can't say anything. It's like he's sucking my whole stamina with his eyes.

I turned away. Rudely enough, I turned my head away from him.

I didn't want to give him any more advantage already, I can't...


His Italian accent tickled my ear, and his commanding, cold tone frosted me.

I turned to look at him, my shivering eyes questioning.

"I-I don't... understand." I protested softly.

Somehow, the way he was looking at me rendered me defenseless. My voice was low, and I admit, I was a bit scared.

Paris Fiore's words shot to my mind again.

'If I demand it, he'll do it.'

'I expect your employees to be more well-behaved, President Ellington. The shortie over there, she made me... infuriated.'

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