Chapter 78

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Nialls POV
1 year later*****

Today was the day. Today was the day that I'd ask Nicole to be my wife.

Its the last day of the last tour and I knew just how I was gonna ask her. I want it to be special.

Nicoles POV

Wow. The last day of One Direction's last tour. I never thought this day would come. At least not this soon.

I couldn't wait for the show tonight. The boys are super excited and day they have something special planned. I know Niall is really excited because he cant sit still.

He is constantly moving around and pacing the floor with a wide smile.

"Chill Mate. Its our last show. don't freak out on us." Louis said.

Louis had become much more mature since Dani had came into his life. They were a perfect match and honestly I could see the two getting married and having little Dani's and Louis' running around.

*******3 Hours Later*******

I slipped on a mint green skater skirt and a creme colored sweater. Straightening my waist length blond hair I slipped a green bow into it.

I was ready for the last concert of One Direction. I slipped my Phone and wallet into my purse and walked out of the hotel.

I didn't need security since the crowds of fans had long since disappeared for the concert.

I hailed a taxi and told the driver where to go.

He pulled up to the arena and I got out, handing him the money. I walked into the arena not knowing what to expect....

End of Book One.

Its at an end. Ohmygosh!!!!
I love each and ecmvery single one of you and cant eait to write more stories for y'all.

Connected at Heart will start soon along with another story I have planned.

Please keep this story in your library. I will post updates about new stories on this book.


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