Chapter 77

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Nicole's POV

"Graduating with Honors tonight are the following students." My heart raced at the thought of walking acroos the stage to get my diploma.

"Nicole Grace Rose... Danielle Grace Williams... Nikki Laine Brewer... Marie Jane Lewis... Julie May Jones... Dalton Wilson Hyte... Cameron James White... and Daniel Adam Holder."

As we walked onto the stage my friends hands locked with mine creating a chain. Cheers erupted around the stadium as we each got our diplomas.

We did it. We graduated. As the rest if the students were called to get their diplomas, I went over my speech.

As the last name was called, my name was announced. "And now, with the speech for the seniors of 2015-2016, here is Nicole Rose."

I took my spot at the podium with a smile. I took a deep breath and locked eyes with my best friends.

"So. Pretty much everyone knows that I started Brookwood in the 6th Grade. And many of you know that I was recently moved back to my hometown of Mullingar Ireland.

Well let me start at the beginning.

I was a new student. In a new country. With no friends. I didn't know my way around and I didn't know anyone.

But I met some friends on my first day. Those friends have been there for me through thick and thin.

They were there through the drama and the bad grades. Even the sick days. They were always there.

That's what I learned from Brookwood. Than no matter what true friends soon become family. And family is forever no matter what.

This graduating class of 2015-2016 os a family. We will go our seperate ways in life but we will always be a Brookwood family.

So think about when you go your seperate way. Remember how you got there. The answer, its Brookwood.

We will always be there for one another. In twenty years, we're all going to look back and laugh.

The spirit weeks. The embarrassing moments. The class pranks. Getting rolled the week of homecoming.

All of its going to stay with you forever. Because we are family.

Thank you Brookwood for being a home away form home. Thank you for being my way of life for seven years. Thank you."

I finished my speech with tears running down my face. This was it. It was goodbye.

Thank you to every one who has followed this book form the beginning. Thank you to everyone who commented and voted. Thank you to everyone who has messaged me with ideas and everyone who has been supportive. Thank you so much.

This may be the end of Miles Apart but its not the end of Niall and Nicole.

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