Chapter 2

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Nicole's POV
The annoying beep of my alarm clock at 7 a.m. woke me up to realize this was my last day with Niall before I left. As soon as I was up and dressed I sent a message to Niall.
To: Nialler
Wassup? Are you ready to head to the park?xx
A few minutes later my phone went off signaling I had a text.
From: Nialler
Yeah. See you in a few. xx
As I walked down the stairs, I thought about how today was my last day with Niall. All our memories flashed through my mind and a tear slipped down my cheek. No I wont cry today. If i cried it would be harder on both me and Niall. We would keep in touch even with the time difference. We would be friends forever. Right?

Niall ' s POV
As I was getting ready I thought about Nicole and all our memories. I knew that saying good bye would be hard but we would make it work. We were best friends.
As we walked down the sidewalk to the park, Nicole started to talk. "I'm gonna miss you so much. Even with the time difference, we will still find time to talk." Her voice cracked and when I looked over at here I saw the tears falling down her face. As I pulled her into a hug and sat at the edge of the sandbox, where we met, I spoke quietly "Nicole, you will always be my best friend and we will talk whenever possible. And I will save my money so that I can visit you in the states. I promise." She looked up and smiled as I took her hand as we walked home.
When we got back to her house we walked upstairs to finish packing her stuff. As we packed, Nicole came across her band stuff and smiled sadly. "Ireland has one of the best bands. I'm really gonna miss it." She whispered. "I bet the school you will be at will have a great band. I know they will have one of the best clarinet players. You will be amazing. This will work out I promise. Even if we are miles apart."

So I hope you liked it. Let me know your comments. I actually play clarinet and I absolutely love it. It's amazing getting to perform for 300+ people. But anyways let me know how it was!!!

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