Chapter 54

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Nicole's POV

Soon after Louis and Dani left, a knock cracked against my door. I smiled to myself and walked to the door. Peeping out of the window I saw Niall. His blue eyes were shining and he had a rose in his hand.

I opened the door, a smile plastered to my face. "Hi."

His bright blue eyes widened. "Hey." He smiled. "You look beautiful."

I blushed and suddenly the floor became very interesting. He lifted my chin up with his finger. "You are gorgeous. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

I smiled and his lips met mine. Our lips moved in sync. His hands found their way to my waist pulling me closer. I pulled away with a smile.

"So, where ate we going?" I asked, knowing good and we'll he wouldn't tell me.

"It's a surprise, but I know you'll love it." He said with a cheeky grin.


The car ride was silent. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one. One that you can let your thoughts run freely. The kind of silence that no matter what is happening, you can think. There is no tension in the air. There is no negativity. It's just that comfortable silence that is peaceful.

The car pulled to a stop. "We're here." Niall said.

I gasped. We were at a small Italian resteraunt. It wasn't a well know one by the looks of it but it was still perfect nonetheless.

Niall walked around the car and took my hand. Intertwining our hands we walked to the door.

"Reservation for Horan." He said to the waitress who was staring at him in shock.

She quickly composed herself. "Right this way."

We followed her to a table in the back. Sitting down she handed us the menus.

"What would you like to drink?" She stared at Niall until I coughed.

"Sweet tea please." I smirked.

"And a coke for me." Niall said trying to control his laughter.

The waitress huffed and stalked off. We waited until she was out of sight, then started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Did you see her face?" Niall laughed.

"Yes! She hates me!" I said.

We laughed until our sides hurt. The waitress came back with our drinks and took our order. Smirking at me she walked off but not before giving Niall her number.

Niall looked down at the slip of paper. "Ummm. I already have a girlfriend. Why did she give me this?"

"Girlfriend aye?" I smirked.

"Oh umm... you see. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend officially and all and then ask you something else but since I just said that I'll just ask you the other question."

His face was bright red bit he continued to speak. "Nicole Rose, would you like to go to prom with me?"

My jaw dropped and he looked at his hands. "Niall! Of course I will!" I said.

Our food came a few minutes later. As we ate we continued to talk. I found out that Louis was supposed to ask Dani to be his girlfriend on their date and made a mental not to call her when I got home.

After talking aimlessly for hours, we got the check and slipped the waitresses number with it.

Walking out of the restaurant I smiled. "Ni, this has been the best night ever. I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled before pressing his lips to mine.

You know this cliché kisses in the moonlight. Where everything was perfect. There are no worries. Just you and the person you love. Well. That's what this kiss was. It was the perfect way to end the perfect night. The sparks never faded. The fireworks never stopped. But everything else stopped. It was just Niall and I. Perfectly together. Even if we were miles apart. I knew we would always be connected at heart.

So Nicole and Niall's date was described in this part but Dani's and Louis' date wasnt. That's because later on Dani will go into a flashback of hers and Louis' date. Also the cliché stuff in Nicole and Niall's date, it just fit in with the story so I put it there.

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Love yall!

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