Chapter 8

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Nicole's POV

After three hours of watching disney classics, Daniel went upstairs to change into his baseball uniform. When Daniel and the girls left. Niall and I left to walk to the park.

Walking through the trees blooming with flowers and the cool breeze on my face, Niall brought up what I was dreading. "So in a few days I have to go back to Ireland. I was wondering if you would want to visit over the summer. Mum said she would help pay for the ticket. Her and Greg both miss you and Dad says he misses his unbiological daughter." I just stared blankly at him. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I could go back to Ireland to visit! Maura said she would help pay for the flight! "Well... I would have to talk to mom, and see if it interferes with band camp. I'll ask for sure though! I really miss Greg and Maura. Tell Bobby I miss him too and I'll always be his unbiological daughter." I replied with a smile plastered to my face. I really wanted to see them again. Especially Bobby, he was always there for me when Dad couldn't be there because of work. He was always supportive to me and understood me. He knew me about a such as Niall did. I just couldn't wait to ask mom if i could go. "Mom is off work. We can ask now if you want too." I said. "Ok." He grinned. We walked back to the house hand in hand grinning wildly. We were both excited to know if I could go.

"Mom!" I yelled up the stairs. No reply. "Mom!" I yelled again. Still no response. "Mrs. Rose!" Niall yelled. A few seconds later, the silence was broke by phone ringing. I picked it up and amswered. "Hello?"
"Yes, is this Nicole Rose?" The lady on the other line spoke.
"Yes mam, may I ask who this is?"
"Ms. Nicole, my name is Diana and I called to inform you that your mother, Mrs. Georgia Rose has been in a car accident. She is now here at DCH in Northport."
I dropped the phone as my whole world crashed down. Niall picked up the phone and spoke. "Hi this is Niall I'm with Nicole." All I heard was bits and peices of his conversation as I slowly came to the realization that my mom was in the hospital. I ran to my room and threw my clothes and other stuff into my suitcase. I grabbed my phone charger wallet and ran back to the kitchen to get the keys. Niall handed me my phone and took my stuff and put it in the backseat. I grabbed my wallet and ran across the street to get our Neighbor, Katherine. Katherine was 17 and had her lisence. After ringing the doorbell she answered the door. As I explained the situation and gave her the keys, we ran to the car and started the drive to the hospital.

Niall's POV

Seeing Nicole like this really broke my heart.
I couldn't believe it when she got the call saying her mum was in the hospital. As we drove to the hospital, Nicole broke into tears. I wrapped my as around her and rested my chin on her head. She moved slightly to grab her phone. "I need to call Dani and the others. They need to know." She spoke. I nodded my head as she typed the message.

Nicole's POV

To: Daniel, Dani, Marie, Nikki, Julie
Mom is in hospital. She was in accident. Heading to DCH now. Text me back. Love yall!!xx

Soon after I sent the message, I got responses like crazy

From: Dani
Omg!!! I'm on my way. Praying now. Love you!

From: Julie
Omg!! Hope she is ok. Keep me updtated. I'll get dad to drive me there soon. Love ya!

From: Marie
Omg!! Praying! I'll see you in a few I'm on my way. Love ya girl!

From: Nikki
Omg. I'm on my way. See you soon!! ♡ya

From: Daniel
Omg!! Just told coach. Leaving game now. Be there soon. Love ya too!

I read all the messages and locked my phone. I'm glad these people are my friends. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I looked out the window to see DCH ahead. Once we parked, Katherine, Niall and I hit the ground running.

When we opened the door to the hospital we were met with the smell of medicine and cleaning supplies. I walked up to the desk, tears streaming down my face and asked, "What room is Georgia Rose in?" The woman at the desk pulled up something on her computer and replied "room 913, take a left and it's the 1st door on the left." I walked back to Niall and Katherine and told them what she said. When we got to the room, a doctor was in there and looked to me with concern. "Ms. Nicole Rose?"
"That's me." I responded.

"May I speak with you outside the room?"

"Yes sir"
We walked put of the room and he spoke. "I'm sorry Ms. Nicole but your mother is in a coma."

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