Chapter 3

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Nicole's POV
I was on the plane heading to Alabama. Niall and I had said our goodbyes. I missed him already. But I needed to focus. School starts in a week and I need friends. I also needed to figure out when I could talk to niall again.

The next few days we were chaotic. I had gotten all my stuff in my room and was on the process of hanging up pictures of me and Niall and all my band awards. The pictures of me and Niall were arranged into a perfect heart and around it were little quotes about friendship. On the other wall I had my band awards and some music quotes. My room was still a mess but the important stuff was done. All I had to do was put up my clothes.
My school supplies was already bought. Niall and I have a tradition that we go supplies shopping together. We get plain solid color binders. Then when we get home we sit in the tree house with a box of sharpies and design each others binders and sign them. This year my binders said "best friends forever love Nialler."

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