Chapter 68

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Nicole's POV (Prom Night)

Colorful dresses filled the room. Swirling and swinging to the music pumping through the speakers. The lights cast shadows around the large gym. Tables lined the walls filled with snacks and drinks. The DJ booth had black lights and neon streamers.

This was my senior prom. I'm a senior, this is prom. Thoughts swirled around as I walked through the hot, crowded gym. Niall held onto my hand squeezing it gently. I smiled and pulled him through the crowd of sweaty people. We had to find Dani and Louis.

I felt a tug on my right arm and turned around. There stood Dani, Louis, and the rest of the girls.

"Ahhh! OhMyGosh yall are gorgeous!" I squealed giving each girl a hug and Louis a kiss on the cheek.

"You are the real show." Nikki said with a glimmering smile.

"How about you girls are all the show." Niall said as Louis erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Ok, ok. Fine." Dani sighed.

Our laughter filled the air and I didn't notice the person behind me until it was to late.

A large hand wrapped around my tiny wrist in a tight grip. "Ouch!" I exclaimed. The person jerked me away from my friends. Niall caught my eye before I disappeared from sight. He started to push through the crowd, rushing after us.

Knowing he was following, I turned and glanced at the person who was gripping my wrist.

"Daniel." I seethed. "What are you doing?' I spat as he pulled me outside the dark grey gym doors.

"We need to talk." He said with a smirk. "So I decided to pull you away from loverboy, knowing you wouldn't leave his side."

I clenched my jaw. I was furious! "Why? What is there to talk about." I asked.

"Well babe, I thought I should tell you how I love you. And how I always have." He started to lean in but I pulled away. There is no way I'm letting him kiss me. I can't believe I ever liked him!

Niall stormed out of the doors with anger in his eyes. "Nicole!" He yelled as he ran towards me. I smiled knowing I had won. Jerking my wrist for Daniel's grip I jogged towards Niall. I looked back and saw Daniel glare at Niall.

"C'mon Niall, let's go." I murmured in his ear pulling him back towards the door.

We walked back into the crowded gym to join the crowd once again.

Ooh Lil bit of drama in the beginning of prom!!! The rest of prom will be in the next chapter. Idk when that will be updated since school started.

Which reminds me! How were yalls first days of school??

Mine was pretty great if your wondering. I have classes with my friends and I have band twice. But math isn't so great. My teacher is cool but he is from somewhere in Asia so he has a thick accent that is very very hard to understand. But all in all ot was pretty awesome.

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