Chapter 75

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Nicole's POV

The plane started to roll down the runway. I smiled at Kate and looked down at my phone. 12:45 blinked on my phone. Three hours till I was home. Safe and sound.

I small smile crept onto my face at the thought. Kate's head slumped forwards and small snores escaped her lips. Poor girl. She's had a rough week.


Tha plane descended towards the ground. My ears started to pop but I didn't care. I was to happy to back home.

"Kate." I whispered as I shook her shoulder. She groaned and her eyes slid open. "We're home." I said.

Her once sleepy eyes brightened to a sparkling green. Her smile grew to show off her shiny braces and white teeth. "Really?"

I nodded as she started to gather her things excitedly. "Slow down kiddo." A giggle escaped my lips.

My phone rang and Kate picked it up. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. I glanced at the screen and grimaced as I knew what was about to happen.

"Niall Horan!" She squeaked. "Oh my gosh. You're Nicole Rose!" She stared at me in shock.

"Yeah, now hold on a second. Ok?" I said as I took the phone from her hands. Pressing answer I heard Niall's thick irish accent.

"Nicole?! Thank God your safe." He exclaimed. A weight lifted of my shoulders as I realized I was safe.

"Yeah. I'm bout to get off the plane." I said.

"Great." I heard excitement in his voice before he ended the call.

What was this boy up to now?

Niall's POV

"Great." I said excitedly. I ended the call and shouted, "Come on guys! She's here!" I heard Louis snicker. "That's what she said." I glared at him and heard him whimper as Dani slapped his arm.

With a satisfied smile I turned back around to see Nicole's golden blonde hair swirling around as she walked with a bounce in her step. A young girl beside her laughed at something she said. I wonder who the little girl is.

A few seconds later, I heard Harry's voice shout. "NikkiBear!" Right on time.

Her head whipped around and she saw all of us standing there. She said something to the young girl and broke into a rum towards me. I opened my arms and she fell into them.

I inhaled sharply. "Thank God you're safe." I whispered into her hair. She untangled her arms from me and turned to face the young girl.

"Kate, this is the lads. Lads, this is Kate." She said.

Kate's eyes widened in realization. I walked forwards and wrapped her in a tight hug before the others followed suit. "Nice to meet you Kate." I said.

She smiled. "H-hi." She stammered.

Nicole's POV
"NikkiBear!" The British accent rang through the airport. No way. They are here!

My head whipped around to see my best friends and boyfriend standing there with huge smiles on their faces.

I turned to Kate. "Follow me."

I turned back and broke into a run. Niall opened his arms and enclosed me in a warm embrace. I sighed in content. I was home, with all my friends and family, and I was happy.

I let go of Niall and quickly introduced Kate to the boys. Her eyes widened as all the lads hugged her.

"H-hi." She squeaked out before I heard a shrill scream. "Kate Marie Jones!"

Kate grimaced as she turned around. She forced a smile on her face and spoke, "Hi, Mom, Dad and Jaz."

Jaz, who I assumed was her sister, looked up from her phone. "Kate! You're home!" She lunged for her sister and picked her up. "Thank God you're safe."

Kate smiled at her sister but it faded when her mom spoke. "Kate,why are you with a bunch of strangers?"

Her father rolled his eyes. "Donna, this is the boy band she talks about and that Jaz took her to see a few months ago."

Her mom's smile faded. "Well maybe she should have met us where we discussed and not dissappear off the face of the earth for three days.

"Mom! Dad and I both told you their flight had an emergency landing because of that storm. Stop being rude about it." Jaz said giving us an apologetic look.

"It's alright, Jaz and Kate. We better go. Thanks Kate for being great company for three days." I smiled at the small girl. I wrapped her in my arms and slipped her my number.

"If you and Jaz ever need anything, I'm a phone call away."

A tear slipped down her face ad the lads and I walked off. "Bye!" Her and Jaz waved.

Ooh another update! I'm happy with this one although it was a filler chapter. Next update soon. It will skip a couple months and Kate and Jaz will be in the second book probably. So keep them in mind.

Love yall!!!!!!

EricaKirsch one more right??

Miles ApartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя