Chapter 18

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Nicole's POV

It had been two years since the phone call with Niall and I was currently celebrating my 16th birthday. I was at my dad's house with all the girls. Daniel and I had gotten into a fight about two months ago and haven't talked since.

It doesn't really bother me now. I mean it hurt to begin with and I tried to fix things between us but he didn't listen. So now it's just me and my girls. At least I have four amazing friends who truly love and support me through my crazy life.

"Nicole!" My dad yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Sir?" I asked walking up the stairs.

"I have a surprise for you. Since I'm working in Indiana at the end of july during a concert, I've got two tickets along with backstage passes. You and one friend can come with me." He said.

"Oh my gosh daddy! Thanks so much. I'll ask if Dani can go. Do you know who it is performing?" I asked curiously.

"No. All I know is I'll be backstage working the lighting and sound equipment." He replied.

Not bothering to answer I rushed back downstairs to see that Julie ' s mom was here to pick her up along with Marie and Nikki. "Bye girls! Thanks for coming! See y'all soon!" I waved as they left. Dani wasn't leaving because we had planned for her to spend the night with me.

Dragging her to the kitchen to the pizza on the counter, I explained what my dad had told me earlier. Her face brightened at this news and she called her mom to ask. Dialing her mom's number she walked out of my room to the balcony.

Twenty minutes later she walked back in a smile on her face. She dropped her phone on my bed and practically shouted, "I can go with you and your dad to Indiana!"

We started jumping around and screaming and laughing when my dad walked in. "What is going on?" He asked.

Dani and I looked at each other mischievously and walked over to him giving him a giant hug. Stepping back from him we smiled and yelled, "We are going to Indiana!" My dad laughed and gave me and Dani 20 dollars and said we could go to the mall to get stuff for the trip since we would be there for two weeks.

The drive to the mall was short since we lived so close to it. On the way there we were listening to the radio and singing every song that came on. Pulling into the mall parking lot an interview came on the radio.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome to the studio One Direction!"

That was all I needed to hear before Dani changed the station and we got out and walked to the mall.

The mall wasn't very crowded today which I was grateful for. Dani and I each had 20 dollars from my dad and 50 dollars of the money we had saved for mall trips.

Two hours later woth about 5 bags each we stopped at the food court. Quickly deciding we wanted subway we walked over to a table close to the place and set our bags down. Dani walked off to get our food while I sat with our stuff.

While Dani was in line I got on twitter. Looking at my notifications I was shocked to see one. Niall had mentioned me in a post. The Niall that I hadn't spoken to in TWO YEARS mentioned me in a post. Quickly going to the post he had mentioned me in I saw that it was a throwback Thursday. It said:
Throwback Thursday to one of the best days ever with @Nicole_Rose93. Along with the tweet it had a photo of us. The one where I had his snapback on and he was kissing my cheek. We were about 12 years old in that picture.

"Niall no!" I screamed.

Niall had picked me up and was walking towards the pool. He laughed as I gripped onto his arms and screamed again.

"Niall don't do it! Please! Don't!" My screams were useless. He got to the edge of the pool and threw me in.

I came up splashing and sputtering. Niall ran and jumped into the pool swimming over to me.

"Nicole! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" He sounded worried. I grinned deviously and pushed him under the water swimming as fast as I could to get back to the ladder. I was laughing and running around the pool when he picked me up again carrying me over to the chairs on the deck. He grabbed my phone and unlocked it going straight for the camera.

"Let's take a picture." He smiled.

"Ok." I took my phone from him and smiled while he put his snapback on my head and leaned over and placed his lips on my cheek. I quickly snapped the picture and ran back to the house giggling. I got inside and locked him out.

"Let me in! Please!" I ponder on the door. I walked to the door unlocking it and opening it. "Thank you very much." He said sarcastically. "Let's go watch a movie!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the couch.

We watched movies for the rest of the day until I had to go home.

*Flashback over*

When Dani got back to the table I had tears falling down my face. "What's wrong?" She asked. I wiped tears and handed her my phone. "It's ok. You are fine without him. He is famous now but you have friends that love you so much." She said.

"Thanks Dani." I said with a smile. After what Dani said I was feeling much better. "Now let's go find a cute outfit for that concert!" I exclaimed as I threw away the trash from my lunch.

We got up and walked over to JC Penny's to find our concert outfits. After a few minutes we had found our outfits. Dani got a pair of black pants with a teal ruffle tank with blue converse. My outfit matched Dani's outfit but in a different way. My outfit was a pair of teal pants with a black ruffle tank and black converse.

After paying for our outfits we went back to my house and packed for our trip. After we packed we watched a few movies and fell asleep in the loft.

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