Chapter 25

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Niall's POV

Walking backstage, we saw Dani and Nicole. Seeing us they turned locked eyes and then looked back at us. What once was their happy smiling attitude was now a death glare to each of us.

Dani was the first to speak.
"Now, whose idea was it to bring is on stage to perform." She looked at me and then to the other boys. "Now I just met four of you and I don't believe I ever told yall I could sing. Now did I?" The others shook their heads.

"Now Niall, was it your idea to have Nicole and I be on stage. Or am I going completely crazy and Louis went through my phone on the plane?" Her voice was cold, but I could tell she was having fun with this.

Louis went wide eyed at her accusation and I spoke, "No it was my idea. I knew you guys are really talented and I'm sorry if yall didn't want that to happen."

Dani stood there for a moment then her and Nicole started laughing hysterically. I glanced at the others and they had the same expression... confusion. What was going on?

Nicole's POV

Finally calming down, Dani and I stopped laughing. Looking at all the boys except for one, we saw the same expression. Confusion.

Realizing that they didn't understand, we quickly explained to them that it was a joke.

Once they caught on, we all started talking. "Thanks for bringing is on stage, it was amazing."Dani smiled at the boys. "It's no problem at all love." Louis replied.

I was about to thank the boys when Cracker and my dad walked up. Both of them had a peice of paper in their hands and the had wide grins players on their faces.

"Nicole, Dani, these papers are for you." My dad spoke.

Walking up to my dad he handed me the paper. Cracker did the same to Dani. Looking at the paper that was now in my hands I stopped breathing for a minute. It was from the Juliard School.

I glanced at Dani and said "open them together. Agree?"

"Agree." She whispered.

"One... two... three..."

We quickly opened them and then read over the papers.

'Dear Ms. Nicole Rose,
We would like to inform you that your audition for The Juliard School was absolutely amazing. You are a very talented young lady.

Upon your audition we have talked about admission to the school on full scholarship, but we think that you should wait until after you graduate instead of going on an undergraduate scholarship.

We are very sorry, but we hope you you will consider this option to the fullest.

Headmaster Dr. Sandra Jones'

Tears falling down my face I dropped the paper and ran out the room. I didn't know where I would go right now, but I needed to be alone. I didn't even wait to see what Dani's letter said. I just couldn't face the fact that I had failed at getting a chance to my dream school.

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