Chapter 35

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Niall's POV

Tha ambulance was finally here, but Nicole looked very distant. One of the nurses took her from my arms and laid her on the stretcher.

"Two people can ride in the ambulance with her. The others have to drive to the hospital." She spoke.

Quickly grabbing Dani's hand I pulled her into the ambulance with me. As the ambulance sped off Dani collapsed into tears. I don't blame her. Her best friend was losing blood and had a deep gash in her side.

Sitting beside Dani, a few tears slipped down my face. I wiped them off. I have to be brave for Nicole.


We had been in the hospital for half an hour when a nurse came out.

"Nicole Rose's family?" She asked.

Standing up with Dani and the rest of the boys, we walked over there.

"Nicole has lost a lot of blood and is in surgery now but she lost a lot of blood. Does anyone have type B blood?" She asked.

The silence was ringing in my ears.

Dani raised her hand. "I do!" The nurse smiled and took Dani's arm and walked down the hallway.

Dani's POV

Waiting for news on Nicole was terrifying. We don't even know what happened but I'm pretty sure she was stabbed.

Why Nicole? She was always the good girl. She had good grades and had scholarships lined up. She worked hard and helped people every chance she got. When her parents divorced she worked so hard to keep them from fighting. When she lost Niall she stayed strong. She had her whole life ahead of her!

About half an hour of being in the hospital, a nurse came in and asked if any of us had type B blood.

It was silent for way to long. Raising my hand I said, "I do."

The nurse smiled and took my hand. Walking down the corridor we got to a small room. The sign on the door read 'Blood Donation'.

Walking inside I sat in the chair. The nurse put her gloves on and wiped the crook of my right arm with an alcohol wipe. Tying a band around my upper arm she put a small stress ball in my hand.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded my head and she stuck the needle in my vein. Cringing at the sharp pain in my arm I took a deep breath.

She pulled the needle out of my arm and put a small peice of gauze where the needle was. Taping the gauze to my arm, she handed me a cookie and a juice box.

"Eat and drink this. You'll need it." She smiled and led me out of the room.

Back in the waiting room, I sat with the boys and prepared myself for a long wait.

Omg! So Nicole got stabbed?? Dani donated blood! What's gonna happen? Will Nicole be ok? What do you think??

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!! Love yall!!!

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