Chapter 36

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Nicole's POV

''No! I can't get rid of my charm bracelet!'' I screamed.

My mom was trying to take it off my wrist.

"There is no use for it! Niall is gone! He is never coming back!" She yelled grabbing for my wrist.

I was already dressed for the concert tonight. I always wore my bracelet because it was one thing left of Niall I had. It was always my good luck charm. Everyone asked why I wore it and my answer was always the same. "It's part of Niall who is a part of me."

Yanking my wrist from my mom I rolled to the door. Grabbing my phone I quickly ran out the door.

Waking up from the nightmare, I had tears streaming down my face and a bright light blinding my eyes.

"Nicole! Your awake!" A nurse said full of surprise. At first I was confused but then felt the excruciating pain in my side.

Oh yeah. I was stabbed. I don't know why or by who but I was stabbed. I had close to 40 stitches in my side.

"Do you want to see your friends yet?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded my head.

With that she walked off to go find my friends.

Niall's POV

Three hours. Three agonizing hours of not knowing. Dani had stayed the entire time and so had I. The others left to get food.

The nurse walked in and Dani and I both stood up.

"She is awake and she would like to see yall." She smiled.

Smiling wide Dani and I both walked to her room. Gently knocking on the door, I opened it to see Nicole laying on the hospital bed. Her face was pale and she had wires sticking out of her arms.

Dani ran over there and hugged her gently. After they pulled away, Nicole glanced over at me. Her smile grew.

"Niall!" She said her voice cracking.

I walked over there and gently hugged her. Kissing her for head gently I said, "three hours of not knowing if you were ok was killing me. I'm so sorry that happened. It's all my fault!"

"It's not your fault. You didn't know it would happen." She said wiping a tear that fell down my face.

The nurse walked back in with food for Nicole. To be honest it didn't look at all good, but Nicole ate the blue jello that was also brought.

The nurse checked a few machines and fixed Nicole's IV. Opening the door to leave she spoke. "You will be allowed to leave in about four hours. No lifting heavy stuff and we will need to see you in a week to check your stitches."

Nodding her head she fell asleep.
Dani walked out to call the other boys and I stayed beside Nicole.

I was never leaving her again. I promised myself I would watch over her no matter what was going on. She would be by my side safely.

Omg! A little bit of Drama aye?? Hmm what's going to happen?? Keep reading to find out!!

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Love yall!!!

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