Chapter 42

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Nicole's POV

"The number you have reached is no longer a working number." I sighed.

I guess I'll have to figure this problem out on my own. I looked down at my charm bracelet. "Miles Apart... Connected By Heart" I whispered to myself.

Niall's POV

It's been a week since I've seen Nicole. I can't believe they separated us. After all I went through to get her back. And now she is gone again.

We have a two more months of this tour and then we will be on break. I'll get to go back to Ireland. I will see my family and hopefully be able to contact Nicole.

Louis' POV

A week ago I was dating the most gorgeous girl ever. Now I'm ot sure if we are dating or not. Management just had to pull us apart.

The pain hit me hard, but Niall was taking it harder. He had just gotten Nicole back and now they were separated again.

Dani's POV

I was finally over my last breakup and I was happy. Louis could put a smile on my face no matter what. But now he was gone.

The pain was still there and I don't think it will ever fully dissappear. Nicole has been heart broken since the guys left. I hate that this happened to her. They had just found each other again.

This week had already been hard enough. Now I had a decision to make. Did I want to go to Juliard, or stay and graduate with all my friends. I don't want to leave Nicole. This is our dream school. Leaving her was not an option, I know my answer.

I know. This chapter was like super super short, but I had to out it in its own chapter. It wouldn't have made sense with another chapter. This is basically their thoughts after a week of seperation. I had to put it in its own chapter so the rest make sense.

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Love yall!

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