Chapter 19

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The next morning after waking up in the loft Dani and I decided to fix breakfast. Walking downstairs to b the kitchen my phone went off. I had over 70 twitter mentions! All of them were about the picture Niall had posted. I didn't want to deal with this right now so I just logged out of my twitter and joined Dani in the kitchen for food.

After finding all the stuff we needed for breakfast, we made eggs, bacon, biscuits, and cut up some fruit.

10 minutes later after we had eaten and cleaned up, my dad walked downstairs and looked at us with a shocked expression.

"Y'all made breakfast? I don't have to make it?" He asked with confusion written upon his face.

"Yes Daddy. We made breakfast and you don't have to cook. It's the least we could do since you are taking us to Indiana with you." I replied and Dani agreed.

"Well thanks. But I have work today so I'll be home late." He said while grabbing his keys. "See you girls later! I love you Nicole."

"Love you too Daddy!" I said grabbing Dani's arm and pulling her up the stairs. " "Do you wanna go to Starbucks?" I asked. Dani looked up from her phone. "Yeah sure. Oh and my sister's birthday party is this afternoon. It's at Treetop Adventures. Do you wanna go?"

Walking over to my closet to get an outfit out I replied, "Yeah that's great. I've missed Melissa."

After getting dressed and doing my hair I walked downstairs and saw Dani sitting on the island in the kitchen looking at her phone. I grabbed my keys and said "Earth to Dani! We are leaving now!" She jumped and fell off the island giving me a glare. Laughing I walked to the car and got in the drivers seat. I had gotten my lisence a week ago. Since Dani was still 15 she only had her permit, I had to drive.

On the way to Starbucks the song Firework by Katy Perry came on. Dani and I loved this song and so we started singing really loud to the song. When we pulled up to Starbucks we were laughing our heads off. Gaining our composure we walked in to find a huge surprise.

When we walked in we were met with screaming girls. As we made out way to the front to order our drinks we realized why.

Harry Styles was standing right in front of us along with the all to familiar blonde irish boy. I looked over at Dani and she whispered "Don't speak, put your sunglasses on and take your hair down."

Being super quiet I quickly put my sunglasses back on and pulled my hair down. My stomach was in knots. The boy that I haven't spoken to in two years was standing right in front of me.

He turned quickly and I looked at the floor. Looking up to see he was gone I took my sunglasses off, only to see Harry Styles standing in front of me about to speak. I ran out of Starbucks, Dani right behind me.

Getting to the car I realized Dani had the keys. I looked down and then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw the stunning emerald eyes of Harry Styles.

"Do I know you?" He asked. I shook my head and spoke softly, "No you must be thinking of someone else."

"Oh ok. Sorry to bother you." He said rushing off to his car.

Dani finally got to the car and unlocked it. Still in shock we drive to the party. Breaking the silence Dani spoke. "Are you ok? Did he recognize you?"

I shook my head speaking, "No, but he asked if he knew who I was and I said no that he must be confused and he walked off. I don't know why but I'm scared that he does know who I am and that he is gonna tell Niall."

Pulling up at Treetop Adventures we got out and walked in. Melissa came running up and jumped into Dani's open arms with an excited expression. "Dani you made it! And you brought Nicole! This is the best birthday ever!" Dani smiled and set Melissa down walking over to her parents. Soon they were in deep conversation and I was checking twitter. One tweet stuck out the most though.

@niallofficial: missing my girl. Been friend forever. Love her!

I stared at my phone in shock. I can't believe what that said. Oh my gosh.

So this is sorta a cliffhanger I guess. But thanks for reading and I'm gonna try and update more often. What did you think about her talking to Harry?? Comment and let me know what you think is gonna happen. Also thanks for dealing with me not updating often. I'm gonna try and update at least once a week if not more. So yeah. Thanks! Love yall!!!!!

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