Chapter 21- Aspirin.

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Ricky was fine when he woke up so he went over to the dining hall and ate some bacon and scrambled egg for breakfast. By himself. So, as he sat at a table eating, he scrolled through twitter and tweets that his fans have made. Which was a lot but it kept him busy as he answered to as many as possible and once he ate all his breakfast he put the tray on the tray pile and left.

There were more people arriving today so the college will be more busier than it has been and that was fine with Ricky. A few girls gave him a look and winked at him but he just kept walking. He doesn't need any distractions this year. Throughout school, he was always distracted by both girls and boys. He liked being alone, not 24/7 but he liked to have some time alone by himself and since his friends were still sleeping, or most but he hadn't seen anyone besides the sleeping Connor in his dorm. Connor was his roommate.

He spotted Zoella walking out from the dorms building and walks over to her, "morning."

"Morning, Ricky." She smiles weakly, "you don't happen to have any aspirin? Joe isn't awake."

"Of course, I have plenty of aspirin. Come to my dorm, I will give you a box. Got like a thousand boxes." Zoe follows Ricky back into the dorms and up to the second floor. When he got his door open, Connor was still asleep and Zoe went silent, "you won't wake him."

"Oh, okay." She says, Ricky gets a box and gives it to her, "thanks, Ricky."

"No problem, I got some Panadol too if you ever need any," Ricky smiled.

"Okay, thanks." Zoe walked into the hall and turned to Ricky, "I should wake Joe and Caspar up."

"Okay," Ricky nodded and leaned on the door frame. "See you later."

"Bye," Zoe smiled again and walked to the elevator and pressed up.

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