Chapter 7- Well, Tyler Ships it.

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Dan put on his llama beanie and Phil put on his lion beanie that has mittens. For a few months, the two have spoken a couple times and Dan didn't want to admit it, but in those couple conversations, he grew some feelings for Phil. And he knows that it is stupid to have feelings-even if it is only a little bit of feelings-for someone you have only spoken to a few times and only just met. And is also your roommate.

Tyler Oakley. He is gay, like as in he likes guys. And everyone accepts that about him. But Dan? If he ever spoken about it...

"Want to go and maybe look around?" Phil's voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"Yeah," Dan stood up. "Hey, um, what classes do you have?"

"Erm," Phil finds the paper and reads it out. "Home Economics, drama and two media classes."

Dan grew a smile, "same!"

"Thank gosh," Phil puts the paper down. "I need someone I know in my classes."

"Same. But we don't exactly know each other that well." Dan sighs.

"What's my middle name?"

"Michael..." Dan squinted his eyes. "Why...?"

"We know a lot about each other. You're Daniel James Howell, your favourite animal is a llama, you procrastinate, you have a younger brother named Adrian. And you are amazing." Phil stopped, thinking he went too far.

"And you're Philip Michael Lester, but only like to be called Phil or Phil Lester, your favourite animal is the lion, your mum is a lobster, you have a brother as well as a father-obviously. And I am not amazing, you are because you're AmazingPhil."

"See," Phil opens the door. "We know each other," Phil winks makes Dan smirk again. When the two close the door and turn around, Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan are standing at the door across from theirs.

"Cute." Tyler smiles, "ha. Hey guys."

"Hi, Tyler. Troye." Dan and Phil's arms were brushing against each other and both Tyler and Troye notice it so Phil takes a step to the side.

"We sh-" but Troye covers Tyler's mouth fast to stop him from saying what he was going to say.

Phil giggled a little, his tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth, Dan smiled at it. It was so adorable.

"Sorry..." Tyler fixed his glasses on his nose the right way. "You two going to check out the place?"

"Yep," Phil says.

"Care to join us?" Dan asks.

"We'd love to," Tyler says and the four walk together down the hall.

"How long have you two been here?" Dan asks.

"I've been here for a week, Tyler only got here this morning." Troye says as the walk into the elevator.

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