Chapter 2- Meeting.

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"Name?" They lady at the front asked.

"Daniel James Howell." Dan said to the lady.

She makes an 'ahhh' sound, "there we are, your dorm is on the very top level, number 46."

"Thank you," Dan takes the folder that the lady holds out to him and grabs his trolley full of his bags and walks into the elevator. He looks at the front of the folder, 'Daniel James Howell' was printed on the cover and the folder was black. Yay, Dan's favourite colour. Or shade, whatever. He opened the black folder and saw a timetable, it has all his classes that he chose. Media, drama, cooking class and another media class. For years Dan has been a vlogger, videoing and posting, he has always loved it, that's why he chose two different media classes and drama. He chose cooking because he loves it.

He really wanted to video tape, but with being in college and having a roomma-he was pulled from the thoughts when the elevator doors opened, he rolled the trolley out and looked at each door before coming to the one at the very end of the long hallway. The door had the number given to him on it, a white board with a pen on it. Dan wrote his name onto it, well, he guessed that it was what he was meant to do, other dorms do so he did.

He went into the folder to get the keys but he goes past a piece of paper that has more information. A map of the college, teachers and when Dan saw who his roommate was, a girly squeal escaped his throat and he was shaking. It was someone he has never met, but the name was a name that Dan would never forget. His favourite YouTuber of all time.

Philip Michael Lester.

Also known as, AmazingPhil.

Dan fiddled with the keys and tried opening the door but dropped the keys. After a few minutes of trying to calm down, he finally got the door open. On the paper it had said that the top level dorms are the largest but Dan didn't expect it to be this large. It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, spare room and lounge with a TV. It was like an apartment. A college apartment but a dorm. He couldn't believe it. He put his stuff into one room and took the trolley out into the hall with all the other ones and left it against the wall, like the others.

The two bedrooms were identical, a closet, two sets of drawers, a desk, a window out looking the college, a double bed and a man-sized mirror. Dan put his laptop onto the bed and explored the dorm, more like apartment but whatever. Dan looked back at his bag full of his recording gear, could he actually film? Phil would, he is always updating on twitter about how he records everyday, but won't post on YouTube everyday.

A few hours pass when he is done setting up, his tripod and camera, along with the lights and stuff and his iMac that's on the desk. He doesn't film, but he charges is camera for when he does. Then he hears a trolley, and footsteps. They are getting closer and closer. The sound of the steps making Dan run silently to his room and quickly opening twitter.

'Hello, Internet. I have great news! I just got set up for my next video, but in my college dorm! Love you xx'

Dan posted it. The steps stopped as he heard the whistle of a twitter notification. That's when he realised, if it was Phil, he watched Dan on YouTube and clearly liked him cause he has notifications for his twitter. As the steps continued, but the steps were faster, but wasn't running sounds. Skipping. Then Dan's twitter went off;

'Hey, guys! So, I just got to my college and I am so happy to be here, but that means that I won't be able to post for a while.'

Dan tried not to have a fanboy moment as both Dan's and Phil's twitters went off, people asking what college, if the two boys were secretly going to college together, many still asking if the two boys can do a video together for the first time. Dan actually wanted to answer and say yes but then the keys were rattling and the door opened. Dan freaked out, literally. He had to hold back a squeal and he slowly walked out of the room as he saw a boy in a black t-shirt that had three hearts on it, a red one, and two "empty" hearts. Those colour changing eyes shinning blue and his black hair even more shinier. Then the two boys both had a fanboy moment.

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