Chapter 11- Flirting is Obvious.

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He was wearing that lion beanie again... Dan couldn't help but stare. Phil, wearing his lion beanie with the mittens, with his purple Gengar t-shirt and some black jeans. Dan was wearing his llama beanie again, his blue shirt with a white totoro on it and his black jeans. So, him and Phil wore almost the same style.

"I don't really know why there would be a party..." Dan stated as he took his phone off charge and walked out of his room into the main room of the dorm. Dan realised that the whole top floor had all the good rooms because the other YouTubers who were on the other floors, they only had one room, with two spare beds and other things, but then there was Dan and Phil... basically have an apartment.

"We don't have to go," Phil suggests.

Dan looks up at him with a grin, "and do you know what people would think we were doing if we didn't go?"

Phil laughed, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. "Ha, not until now..."

Dan just smiled.

Phil looked up and spoke, "when you're trying not to flirt, you totally fail at it. You know that right?"

"Shut up," but Dan smiled again. "Says you."

"I do it without noticing," Phil says. "It runs in my blood."

"Clearly," Dan walked over. "So, Phil. What do ya say? Shall we head off?"

He sighed, "I guess we should." But the two stared at each other for a few moments, both with grins.

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