DARKNESS | Chapter 31

Start from the beginning

And then I pause. Because why would I miss an opportunity to escape this tomb? I'm not so sure a worse fate exists.

And just like that, I'm on my feet, stumbling towards the light like a zombie, as fast as my neglected form will carry me. The moment I step over the threshold, fresh air consumes me and grass appears under my feet, causing me to drop to my knees and press my face to it. The feeling of freedom is largely overwhelming, and right now, I couldn't care for anything or anyone else.

"It's alright, baby, you're safe now," a deep voice says nurturingly, crouching down next to my malnourished frame.

Something about the voice, about its tone, is all-too-familiar.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim, bolting upright and turning to face my saviour. "Kale?!" Immediately I throw my hands around his neck, clinging to him like he's my only connection to life; because that's exactly what he just was; that's exactly what he is.

"Shhh," he tells me. "Shhh, it's okay now. I'm so sorry about all of this. Shhh."

I pull away from him, my hand flying shakily to his cheek as I press my lips to his urgently. The prospect of being free is overwhelming; the fact that I have Kale in my arms, right at this moment, is even more so.

His lips respond to mine immediately, matching my urgency before he pulls back and states me in the eyes. It's when his thumb wipes at a wet spot on my cheek that I realise I'm crying. I take a few deep breaths, trying to compose myself, trying to take it all in.

"What has he done to you?" Kale whispers, pain and sadness shining through in his gaze. He cups my face in both of his hands, leaning his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry, Harper. I wish I could have come sooner..." He presses his lips against my forehead as I merely relish being in his presence. As he moves away, he sits back slightly, staring vacantly somewhere past us. "I can't let him get away with this."


"I should have done something. I should have-"

"Kale." It's my turn to take his face between my hands, forcing his blue eyes to fix on me. "Who?"

Kale closes his eyes momentarily, releasing a deep breath. When he opens them again, they're full of nothing but apology and hurt. It almost makes me dread the answer.

"My father."

For a moment, I sit stunned, until I remind myself that this is Ashleigh that we're talking about. I just didn't think he'd have it in him to let me die in a dark, empty room. Yet if he was capable of shooting my parents at point-blank range, I probably should have guessed he was more than capable of locking me in a room.

Kale pushes himself up, walking away a few steps before stopping with his back facing me. He laces his fingers behind his head, figure appearing slumped and drained.

"Why?" I question quietly. "Why would he lock me in there and not just kill me?"

"Why does my father do any of the things he does?" Kale asks rhetorically, by way of explanation.

"How long has it been?"

"Three days."

"You're bullshitting me."

At this, Kale turns around, dropping his hands and staring at me inquisitively.

I shakily stand to my feet, struggling to support myself in my weak and deprived state. "I felt like I was in there for an entire week. It was nothing but pure blackness, Kale. The only sounds came from me. I didn't know what was going on or if I'd ever get out. I was beginning to lose it."

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