Chapter Six

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"My name is Officer Carson." I tell the woman, showing her the badge that used to mean something. "I need access to that building."

The woman stares through her glasses and over the counter at me. Her gaze is piercing, and she studies me with cold calculation.

"Why, exactly, do you need access?" She asks.

"That's none of your concern."

"It is, Officer Carson, my concern, because I am in control of whether or not you enter that building, and I am not permitted to allow anyone in without a good reason."

I suck in a breath and hold it, trying to keep in my frustration. "I am not permitted to disclose classified information."

It is a lie. This is in no way classified, and she knows it.

"I haven't seen her." She says, her cold eyes locking with mine. She is lying along with me.

I am already crazy.

And I've never liked liars.

It only takes a second, and it doesn't make a sound.

I walk away from her dead body, wishing I had gotten information out of her before she had been reduced to nothing but a cold corpse, with colder eyes than anyone could have had in life.


 I bang on the door, over and over, trying to knock it down. My shoulder bruises, and my hand turns red. I can hear Melantha's meaningless whispering inside.

"I'll kill you, girl." I whisper. "I'll kill you and anyone else who tries to hide you from me."

I feel a cold wind brush against me. Something, someone, I realize, touches my hand. I look around. There is no one.

I shiver.

I am crazy.

But I am a crazy person with my sights set on one thing: The death of Melantha.

I will get it, or die trying.

I resume my pounding on the door.

Melantha, I think, You are going to die.

I pound harder and harder, ignoring the pain in my shoulder and my fist. The door begins to bend, and I hear the crackling of splinters. I smile and continue pounding. The door breaks a little with each impact.

I hear the screams of the two girls inside the building. I grin wider.

I hear the pitter patter of them running away, their frantic voices. I hear Melantha's friend say, "Find a back exit!"

I hear Melantha reply in her gibberish.

I hear them running.

I hear.

I see the wood of the thick door cracking.

I see the splinters flying past me.

I see Delancey.

Just for a second.

I stop.

She is gone.

I'm seeing things. I say. I am crazy, after all.

But then I see her again.

A flash of her.

She is mouthing the word no.

But why no? "She killed you, Delancey," I say. She's gone again.

I'm seeing things. I turn back to the task at hand and slam the door again, harder than before.

The splinters break my skin, but I don't care. What's a drop of my blood when I'm going to have all of Melantha's?

The blood lands on the snow, just a few drops. The red against the white is beautiful, and I think how much more beautiful it would be if there was more.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, part of me realizes that this is what she thought, that the blood looked pretty. Why else would she kill and then stare, stare, at the staining blood of police officers.

But it won't be my blood, dark red that's staining the snow. Not this time.

I throw all of my weight into the door.

It is seconds away from cracking. I can feel it.

I throw myself against it again. One more.

I lean back. This will be the most important.

I smile widely, and I can feel my skin stretching to show a million white teeth.

White white white.

I want the red to go with my white.

I throw myself forward, with all the strength left in my body, and close my eyes. I don't want my sight to be in the way of my ears when I hear their screams.

Something grabs me centimeters from the door.

Something holds me there and doesn't let me go.

I open my eyes and see Delancey's hands, Delancey's arms, wrapped around me.

I cannot speak.

She holds me there for a few more seconds, then lets me go and is gone.

I crash through the door and look around.

The building is empty.

A back door across the room swings, open, on it's hinges.

My cry of rage is not one anyone would want to hear.

And they certainly wouldn't want to be the cause of it.

I get to my feet, the wreckage of the wooden door around me. Splinters stick out of my arms, and my blood drips where I walk. But I ignore the splinters and the blood and the pain.

Red is filling my vision.

I will have Melantha.

I will have that perfect combination of blood on snow.

I will have red and white.


A/N: Ahahahahahaha! I love cliffhangers so much. It's fun to leave you sitting on the edge of your seat, screaming "NOOOOO!! NOT ANOTHER COMMERCIAL. NOW I HAVE TO WAIT AGAIN!!" Speaking of waiting, I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating lately! Two months, it's been! But I have a schedule now, so I'm going to update more often.

Sooo, now that my apology is over, I have news.

ONE OF MY SHORT STORIES IS FREAKING GETTING PUBLISHED. IN A BOOK. NOT BY ME!!!!! A new publishing company called Clean Teen Publishing had a contest, and I got into the semi finals, which means I get to be published in their anthology "Wonderstruck". I can't do enough exclamation points to prove my excitement, but I can try. Take this: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and multiply it by 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to the power of ninety five million. That's me right now.

I'm freaking out.

But now back to the story. The contest. Not enough people have commented the word, so I gave you a chapter that used it a lot. This chapter has a lot of the word. That's your hint. Keep commenting!!

I love you all!

VCF!!! (vote comment fan)


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