"I mean to a supernatural yes," Normani said. Camila looked at her weirdly.

"How did you know that?"


"Of course," Camila playfully rolled her eyes. "It's better than smelling like death,"

"Hey I just thought of something," Normani said, holding up a finger. "So tonight is the night where we break into the vampire's house, right? Why doesn't Lauren come, because then if the vampires do smell humans, we can say it's Laurenza here instead of me,"

"That's a good idea," Camila said. "Want to help us with a heist?"

"Uh, sure," Lauren nodded, grinning slightly. "Why not?"

"Awesome," Camila smiled. "We're all meeting at 7 at our house,"


"Anyways," Camila said, turning towards Lauren. "When do you want to work on the history project?"

"Um, I'm free tomorrow after practice or this weekend?"

"This weekend sounds fine," Camila grinned. Lauren smiled.

Normani looked at the two, a silence falling over them.

"Just kiss already!" Normani finally blurted out.

Lauren's mouth hung open as she stared at her best friend in disbelief, while Camila's cheeks and ears turned red.

"Uh, gotta go," Camila mumbled, turning to walk away.

"What the fuck, Mani?" Lauren asked, angry.

"I mean it's gonna happen eventually, right now you guys are at an awkward phase where you know you like each other but you're doing nothing to act on it," Normani shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean, the pack and I have bets placed on when you two are going to get together," Dinah said, walking up behind Normani. She threw her arm over the other girl's shoulder and kissed the side of her head.

"Aw, stop being cute," Lauren grinning at the two. "It makes me sick,"

Dinah playfully glared at Lauren. "Deal with it, Ralph,"


"Yeah, cause Ralph Lauren,"

"It's pronounced LO-REN,"

"No, it's LAUREN,"




"Does it matter?" Normani cut in.

"No, I guess not," Lauren mumbled. "Loren,"

"I heard that," Dinah chuckled.

The bell rang as students began to pour out of classrooms. Lauren said goodbye to the couple before heading off to her next class.


"So by your logic, in the week Camila was in California, you think she met some girl named Ari and they got married in Vegas?" Normani asked Lauren at practice.

Lauren looked up from stretching. "I mean, why else would the contact name be wifey?"

"I dunno, as a joke?"

"Maybe," Lauren grumbled.

"You're still gonna ask her to homecoming, right?"

"I'm not sure,"

"It's in two weeks," Normani reminded her.

"I'm aware," Lauren groaned. "You nervous about tonight?"

Mated to a Dork {Camren}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ