
"Jason has a new number. I guess he broke his phone, or whatever, but now he has a new phone."

I sit on the edge of my bed, listening to Terrance. "Are you going to give me his new number?"

"About that . . ." He pauses for a moment. "Look, man, there's no easy way to say this, but Jas doesn't want you to have his number. I mean, he is still saying if you need anything, you can tell me and I will tell him."

I stop listening to him, after he tells me that Jason doesn't want me to have his new number.

"He mailed you his debit card at your momma's house to help for a car. So, you should be on the look out for that. Do you need anything else?"

I am stun by everything Terrance is saying. This can't possibly be right. Jason, the same boy who I gave my virginity to and my first love doesn't want me to have his number? The boy who always promised to love me forever and always be here for me. The same person who always claimed to love me more. Yet, he is posting pictures with some girl that he barely knows, talking about eating her like a dessert. Then, he changes his number and doesn't want me to have it?

I clear my throat, trying to think of what to say to Terrance. I don't know if he played a part in this, but it wouldn't surprise me.

"This baby can be his. I mean, do he know that?" I try to keep the hurt out of my voice, but inside I'm dying a very slow death.

"He doesn't think it's his." Terrance says a little too quickly.

Damn. He could have sugar coated it. I think about the last conversation that Jason and I had in his car. I had no idea that would be our last conversation. At the thought of Jason and I never talking again, I tear up.

"It could be his." I don't know why I'm wasting my time telling Terrance something that he knows. "Why would he even try to be there for me, if he doesn't want to be here for me? If he wants to be here for me, he would still try to be a friend."

"Look, I'm not Dr. Phil. I honestly don't care about what you, him . . . Y'all have going on. I'm just the messenger boy."

He's right. Fine. Since he is just a messenger boy, I have a message for him. "Tell Jason that I don't need his debit card, because my man already bought me a car. You can also tell him that I'm changing my number. Just like him, I doubt this child is his. As far as me needing anything, I'm good. Cameron got me." I end the call and toss my phone on my bed.

I let my tears fall down my cheeks and shake my head. Maybe deep down inside, I was holding on to the hope that Jason and I can be together. I guess that I have been in denial about our whole situation. Terrance shed light to what it really is. Jason wants to be a little hoe in Atlanta. I'm so glad that I didn't go with Kerri, because it wouldn't have solved anything.

I wipe my face the moment that I hear the front door. I need to stop letting Jason control my damn emotions from a distance. He has his damn minion, calling me and pretending to care about me. He throws me a little cash, and he thinks that shows me that he cares. Matter fact, I'm going to buy my baby some things with that cash and post it on Facebook saying this is everything that Jason did for Cameron's baby. That should teach his ass not to fuck with me.

Cameron walks into the room, with a big smile on his face. His smile leaves his face the moment that he sees me sitting on the bed in tears. I try to wipe my tears away and give him a weak smile. Cameron drops his keys on the dresser and makes his way to me. He takes a seat next to me, and I don't even try to look away from him.

"Please don't tell me that you're crying, because I left. I came back as soon as I could, baby."

"It's not you." The moment that I say these words, I regret it. I really don't want to explain the drama that I'm going through with Jason. I'm sure that Cameron doesn't care. In his eyes, he stole me from him. Little does he know, my heart beats for Jason.

"What is it?"

"I don't know. I think it's just my pregnant hormones all over the place. Then, I haven't been able to sleep tonight."

"You've been up this whole time? Girl, that's crazy."

I nod my head. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "I know. I'm so glad that you're home."

"Yeah?" He takes my hand into his and stroke the back of my palm with his fingers. "Do you want a massage?"

"Yes." I say, beginning to feel the effect of staying up all night. "Are you going to lay down with me after you massage me?"

"Yeah. Just lay down and relax, baby. Let me get some things out my trunk and put them away, and I'll be right back."

I don't bother arguing with him and just lay down on my stomach. I close my eyes, listening to him walk out the bedroom.

I'm so glad that Jason has shown his true colors so early in my pregnancy. I'm almost three months pregnant, and he is already giving up so easily. I can't help but to feel that he didn't treat Leslie like this. Even with all her shit, he never once denied her child. It makes me feel a certain type of way that he is flat out denying my baby. Yes, I behaved badly, but last time I checked . . . He fucked up more.


I hold Cameron's hand as we walk into my mother's front door. My mom had wanted to have a chance to get to know him, seeing as I'm living with him. I pray for the best as I close the front door. My mom is sitting in her usual spot, the recliner. She looks up as soon as we enter the house.

"Hey, you two. Take a seat."

"Hey, Ms. Richards. Nice to see you again."

"You as well, Cameron. The last time I saw you, I thought you were banging my daughter's head against the headboard."

My cheeks heat up the moment she says the words. I remember that night like it was yesterday. She had thought I snuck Cameron into my bedroom, but in reality it was Jason. Charles had tricked on me, thinking that I was becoming a slut.

"Momma, really?" I don't think it was necessary for her to reopen old wounds.

"Really. Take a seat." She sets her magazine down, prepare to give us her full attention. I rather her not give us too much of her attention.

Cameron and I take a seat next to each other on the couch.

"So, what are your intentions with my daughter."

I know better than to say anything. I peek at Cameron, searching for signs that he's not feeling this topic.

Cameron smiles a little at her question. "I . . . uh . . . I'm not sure what the future holds for your daughter and I, but I'm hoping that we can go far with one another. I care about her."

Good job. I mentally congratulate him. I give his hand a light squeeze to let him know that things will be fine.

"Jazzy had said that you work in a night club. How can you take care of a child with that income? I heard you were a student as well."

I clear my throat, deciding that it's time for me to take over for him. I don't want my mom finding out that he sell drugs, outside from working in a club. That will be our secret. I can lie to my mom better than he can, or I hope to.

"He is a student, momma. And as far as him being able to take care of the baby, his mom left him and Jasmine money in her will.

Cameron quickly looks at me, trying to mask the look of surprise on his face. I know that he didn't know that I knew about his mother. Hell, that's probably the only thing that I know about him. Cameron and I might have known each other for a decent amount of time, but I don't know too many personal things about him. The little trivia about his mom I got from Jasmine.

My mom covers her mouth with her hand. "I'm so sorry about your loss, Cameron. Jasmine never mentioned it . . . - - -"

"It's fine." He interrupts her and looks away. I can tell that this topic makes him uncomfortable.

"Mommy, how's work?" I change the subject.

"Girl . . . " My momma starts off.

I sneak a peek at Cameron to find him pretending to be engaged in my mom's story. I can tell that something is heavy on his mind.

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