2.8: Goodbye.

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*'*' Short chapter *'*'

"Anthony?" Ian said nervously over the phone, his voice shaking a bit. Something has been bothering Ian and he had been thinking about for a long time and he had finally decided to discuss it with Anthony. "Yeah babe?" Anthony said.

"I think we should breakup," Ian said after a few minutes of debating rather to tell Anthony or not.

"What?" Anthony gasped. "I think we should breakup, go our separate ways," Ian mumbled.

Ian felt sad, but he felt relieved at the same time. He could feel himself begin to tear up and soon enough the tears were spilling.

"Why? Have I been a bad boyfriend? baby i'm sorry-" Anthony began, but got cut off by Ian.

"You're a great boyfriend Anthony, and you're not the problem. I just don't like the distant relationship we have going on. I just think it's best if we move on, and maybe find someone who we can be with and not leave."

Anthony was heartbroken at his words. He still felt as if he was the problem, even though Ian had told him he wasn't. "Oh," Anthony said. Ian didn't know what to say and he just sighed. With that Anthony hung up.

Ian never got to tell him that day that he still loves him, he didn't even tell Anthony goodbye.

It's not like Ian want's to get with somebody new, he wanted to be with Anthony, it was just he didn't like being away from Anthony.

It had felt like everyday, Ian, was just so depressed about being away from Anthony he thought that if they weren't together, maybe he would feel better.

Which Ian soon realized that he was completely wrong. That night Ian cried himself to sleep, thinking about if the choice he had made was right. Anthony was on his mind more than ever and it was slowly killing Ian.

Ian had sent Anthony a bunch of messages but Anthony hadn't read them or reply to them. Suddenly all of those 'what ifs?' thoughts came to Ian's mind.

He was starting to think that breaking up with Anthony wasn't going to make anything better at all, it was going to make him even more worse than he already is. He knew for sure Anthony probably didn't want to talk to him at the moment, so he knew he couldn't fix things.

As a matter of fact, Anthony didn't want to talk to Ian at all. He didn't want to do anything that deals with Ian.

Anthony was so mad and upset at the same time and he didn't know how to cope with his feelings. He wanted to cry yet at the same time, he wanted to punch a wall.

The boy never thought he could feel like this, and he hated feeling like this. Anthony had gone through many breakups and none of them left him heartbroken like this before.

What made Anthony even more upset is that Ian never got to tell him goodbye.

He knew he can't blame Ian, considering he was the one who hung up right away, but it still made him upset. All the text messages he had received from Ian were mainly asking him if he was okay, or if he can talk.

Anthony wanted him to say goodbye and get it over with but at the same time he didn't want to say goodbye. He didn't want to let go of Ian at all.

Ian was the first person Anthony had fallen in love with, and he wasn't ready to let go of him. He just wasn't ready to say goodbye.

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