2.7: Cold Heart.

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It's has been one day since Ian had moved away, and in that one day both of the boys were not okay at all. Ian had been a mess, and so has Anthony.

Ian had been on the road for quite a while and eventually they made it to their destination. Ian's parents decided they would move to Elk Grove. It wasn't to far from Sacramento, it was still in the Sacramento county.

Elk Grove was way different from Sacramento. Ian was used to the bright lights at night, and the big buildings, and all the traffic. In Elk Grove it was like your normal, average town. The only difference was It had forests and lakes. In Sacramento it was all about the lights and views.

Elk Grove didn't have the bridge towers and big buildings, it just had trees, and lakes, and foggy downtown areas.

The set of the town made Ian even more depressed, the city just looked depressing. It was always cloudy and sometimes it rain once a while. In Sacramento it was always sunny, and he was happy there. Ian thought about how totally ironic that was.

Ian also was going to start school in a couple of days, and boy he couldn't wait (note the sarcasm). Ian was going to miss Anthony hugging him from behind whenever he was at his locker. He was going to miss the smiles and faces they made during class they shared together. In generally he was just going to miss it all.

Speaking of Anthony he wasn't alright at all. He had been ignoring everyone at school and he always found himself alone. Even if he was forced to be around people he always kept shut.

He wasn't the adorable, nice self he was around Ian, he just acted as if he had a cold heart. It's not like they broke up or anything Ian just moved away, but that upsets them both a lot. It hurts them, knowing that they couldn't be together or see each other.

"Hey Ian?" Ian heard his mother say, snapping him out of his thoughts. Ian turned his head to see his mom standing in front of his doorway looking down at him. "Yeah?" Ian said with a bit of attitude in the tone of his voice.

"How you doing so far?" she asked and looked around at his plain, empty bedroom. "Alright I guess," Ian mumbled.

"Alright . . . hey, do you want to get takeout for dinner tonight?" his mother asked him. "Yeah I guess so," Ian mumbled and looked back down at his half empty box. He was trying to unpack his things but he kept getting distracted by his thoughts.

"Okay, me and your father will go pick up something in a few, okay?" "Yeah, okay," Ian said. His mother gave him a small smile and shut his door quietly.

Ian didn't want to eat anything, to be honest. In fact, he hadn't ate anything in quite a while. Not on the road, or when they arrived in Elk Grove. Neither had Anthony, he picked at his food usually or never bothered to eat anything. They had both just suddenly lost their appetite, and they had lost interest in almost everything.

They were taking it really hard, even though they shouldn't really. They know that the move was just because his parents cared about him and want him to start a new life. But it doesn't matter where you move to, Ian wasn't going to change his interest in Anthony, or change his sexuality.

Ian thought the whole entire moving thing was just pointless, and plain out stupid. He wasn't going to start a jolly new life knowing that the boy he had been in love with now is with him and he just left him behind. He wasn't going to start his new life oh so jolly, by the looks of it he was going to start his new life upset, and depressed.

. . .

That night Ian only ate a little of his food and went to bed quite early. He wasn't tired at all, he just didn't want to be around his parents. Ian also was going to try to facetime Anthony tonight.

He had pulled his laptop out and got everything all set up. Ian wasn't in the mood for anything else but to see Anthony, and hear his voice.

Soon after a while the two boys found themselves looking at one another on a computer screen. Anthony thought Ian looked extremely adorable looking all tired. Ian had on a oversize hoodie and was cuddled up in his blanket. Anthony was in a T-Shirt and just laying in bed.

"Hi," Anthony said. "Hi," Ian said quietly "How have you been?" Anthony then asked. "Okay, i guess" Ian mumbled and shrugged. "You?" Ian asked. "Same," Anthony said.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too Ian," Anthony replied and smiled. "I don't like it here, it's not the same without you," Ian said. "I know baby, it's not the same without you here." "I really just want to hug you right now," Ian said and looked at his fingers. "I just really want to hold you right now," Anthony replied which made Ian blush and smile.

Ian yawned and tried to think of something to say. "Babe?" Anthony said. "Yeah?" Ian replied. "You look tired, maybe you should get to bed," Anthony said. "but . . . I don't want you to leave, I miss you," Ian pouted.

"I'm going to be right here princess," Anthony said. "Don't go," Ian said. "I'm not, i promise."

Ian then lifted his laptop and placed it beside his pillow. He laid his head down and cuddled into his blankets. He stared at Anthony who was laying down. Ian sighed, "I love you."

"I love you too princess," Anthony said.

"Goodnight," "Goodnight."

. . .

[a/n:] Sorry for the lack of updates on this story and the others, i'm trying to finish this story asap, and once it is done I will work on Pulchritudinous, and I hate you.  

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