1.8 : Night Adventure.

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Ian tossed and turned in bed all night, or that's what it seems. Ian couldn't sleep well for some reason, and he didn't have a clue why either. Ian tried many various things to make him sleepy but none of them had work. 

All he wanted was to feel Anthony's arms around him. He wanted to feel Anthony kiss the top of his head and just hold him. Ian always enjoyed Anthony's cuddles and kisses. He even enjoyed when Anthony always held his waist from behind. 

It was something about the way Anthony held him that made Ian feel happy and warm. He always liked Anthony's touch and he could never get used to it either. Just like the way Anthony could never get used to Ian's kisses. 

Ian laid on his back and stared at his ceiling, he wan't even focusing on what he was thinking about his mind had slipped away, out of his control. 

He didn't even notice the small tapping noise coming from his window. This time it was even more louder than usual and Ian sat up. His heartbeat began to pump in a different rate than normal due to his fright. He slowly lifted the covers off his body letting the cool breeze get a touch of him. 

He then slowly got on his knees and then stood up. His hand inched closer and closer to his window and finally he pulled the blinds opened to see Anthony standing out there. Ian unlocked his window and slid it open, "Anthony?" 

"Ian, babe, uh well, this is awkward," Anthony smiled. Ian giggled, "What are you doing here?" Ian said quietly. "Well I was laying in bed and was thinking," "Yeah?" Ian questioned. "I wanna take my baby out tonight," Anthony smiled staring into Ian's eyes.

As dark as it was outside he can still see the color in Ian's eyes. You should've seen the way he was looking at him. It was like Ian's eyes were the ocean, and Anthony was just desperate to drown in it. 

"Anthony that's sweet but we have school tomorrow," Ian mumbled not wanting to do anything bad late at night. Then again Ian was still innocent and not bad. "Babe please just this one night?" Anthony pleaded. Ian groaned, it was hard for him not to say no to Anthony. 

"Alright fine, anything for you," Ian then said. "Yay!" Anthony exclaimed. The two boys shared a short, yet sweet kiss. "Just let me change first," Ian mumbled and then left from the window. The boy quickly slid on a pair of jeans and threw on a sweater too. 

Ian then quickly walked back to the window happily for what night adventure they were going to have. Ian then hopped out of his window closing it, leaving a little crack for him to open when he returned. 

"You ready?" Anthony asked. Ian smiled and nodded, "Yeah." Anthony smiled and then grabbed Ian's hand intertwining their fingers together. "Let's go," Anthony said and the two boys began to run away from Ian's home. Their laughs and giggles filled the street as they left their footprints against the road. 

Anthony held Ian's hand tightly as Ian ran behind Anthony. The two boys quickly ran through street, through street hearing the town fast asleep. Ian and Anthony made it to the park and Ian giggled. "The park? Really Anthony?"

"Well last time their was to many little kids and adults who were looking at us," Anthony said. "I don't care what they think as long as I got you," Ian said and hugged Anthony from aside. Anthony smiled and kissed Ian's forehead. "I love you," Anthony mumbled. "I love you too," Ian smiled.

The two boys then released their grip from each others hands and ran towards the playground equipment. Ian climbed up the steps and ran around the whole entire playground. Anthony chased Ian all around and finally caught up to him. He wrapped his hands around Ian's waist and held him.

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